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Saturday, May 25, 2019

P.C.C.M. 61 / NYCTL Part 1

Greetings All,

The virtual ops continues with P.C.C.M. 61 starting today. This virtual op will be a four layout op featuring the NYCTL and 

We'll open up the NYCTL action at Bedford Park with the Bedford Park Yard Switcher at American Hardware coupling up to P&LE #35892 loaded with bulk hardware for Peerless Appliance in Mayfield NY on the KPD. 
The BPY Switcher has shoved back to the Ford steel track to pick up these two empty breadbox trough coil cars for return to Kings Port Steel.
 Next move is to pull the Celanese Chemicals car from the Ford tank car unloading track. This car is heading back to Celanese Chemicals in Denver CO on the RCR.
The BPY switcher has the outbound cars in position as it awaits the arrival of train BP-41 coming from Terminal Yard.
With only a handful of cars for Bedford and Bedford Park industries a combined BP-41 / BT-27 is pulling out of Terminal Yard behind a pair of GE B boats.
The BP-41 / BT-27 rolls thru Bedford NY towards the Hostess Plant where that empty Hostess/ Wonder Bread covered hopper, ACFX #56670, needs to be pulled.
ACFX #56670 has been pulled from Hostess for reloading at the large Cargill facility in Rock Ridge NJ on the APRR.  
The BP-41 / BT-27 engines have run around their train and are now shoving into the Bedford Park lead under the watchful eyes of Bedford Tower operator 1/87th scale John B.
Empty PC / TOC, KP&W and NYC 60' boxcars are pulled from the Ford Plant. The three cars will be heading back to ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY on the KPD. 
The work done at Ford the BPY Switcher now tacks the four cars pulled earlier onto the BP-41 / BP-27 auto parts cars for return to Terminal Yard.
1/87th scale John B gives the BP-41 / BT-27 a roll by inspection as the train heads back to Terminal Yard. 
Eight cars for three virtual ops layouts are in today's consist heading back to Terminal Yard.
 BP41 / BT-27 returns to Terminal Yard.
The next train called out is the Coal Job behind two FM H16-44s. The Yard Job can be seen getting the BP-41 / BT-27 cars and others ready for placement in later outbound virtual ops freight trains.
The Coal Job's first assignment is to pull these three PS-2 covered hoppers from T&R Gravel. All three are loaded with locomotive sand. The two PC cars are consigned to the APRR Engine Terminal and KPW #44052 is headed to the Kings Port & Western RR.
The Coal Job is now in it's more traditional role of working the Hudson Coal Mine. Here it is pulling out loaded coal hoppers.
The long string of loads being pulled out of Hudson Coal includes six loaded hoppers for R.M.O. Electric in Rock Ridge NJ.  
The loads sit on Main 3 while the FM units shove the empties back towards Hudson Coal. 
The empties have been placed and the Coal Job prepares to return to Terminal Yard.
The Coal Job is back at Terminal Yard and rolls over the weigh in motion scale.
We'll cut it here for today with the Yard Job working to get the various virtual ops freight cars sorted for their outbound trains. Cars for the KPD are on track #2. Cars for the APRR are on track #4. Cars for the RCR are on track #7.
We'll follow up the action tomorrow with the Empire Belt RR working several Empire City industries. 

Don't forget to catch the other virtuals ops action.

Thanks for reading!!
See ya tomorrow!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge, Elkhart
    From: West Mill
    Acknowledge the work of the Bedford Park Switcher, local train BP-41/BT-27, and the Coal Job, noting cars to be forwarded to West Mill.
    West Mill out.

    Thanks for kicking off the latest series with a nice mix of power and action! New York Central locomotives shining in this installment! Seem to be a lot of guys hanging around the Bedford Park Yard office. Which one owns the Pacer? Very admirable organization of cars for outgoing trains at Terminal Yard. Has off to the crew!

    1. Thanks for the compliments Ralph! You're right about there being a lot of hanging around at the Bedford Park Yard office. These guys were originally furloughed by Mr Perlmann but each 1/87th scale employee has been guaranteed a job for life by Mr Saunders. PC Mgt has little for them to do at this point so they keep the yard master on his toes trying to keep them from getting into mischief. The Pacer is actually a Mercury Bobcat and belongs to the yard master.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Elkhart

    Acknowledgement -Freight from Empire City headed to Rock Ridge via BP-41, BT-27 and Coal Job.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Nice way to kick off P.C.C.M. 61! It looks like the guys have been very busy getting these trains together. I've always enjoyed looking at that coal drag, very impressive!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments Sir Neal!
