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Sunday, April 28, 2019

P.C.C.M.60 / NYCTL Part 5

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the PCCM 60 series!!!

We pick up the action at Terminal Yard with engine hostler 1/87th scale Wet Willie having coupled a still turbo charged GP20 onto what will now be Extra 2103.
Extra 2103 has left Terminal Yard and makes it first stop at T&R Gravel.
KP&W PS-2 hopper #445052 is spotted for a load of locomotive sand that will head back to the KP&W's Williams Yard in a future PCCM.
Extra 2103 arrives at the Hostess / Wonder Bread Plant where they will spot their Hostess covered hopper loaded with flour from the big Cargill facility at Rock Ridge NJ on the APRR. 
Back at Terminal Yard a lash up of Alcos are leaving the engine facility for Train EC-1 while engine 9999 pulls the crane away from the shop. 
Train EC-1 for the Empire Belt's North Side Yard leaves Terminal Yard four Alcos strong.
EC-1 passes Extra 2103 working the Hostess Plant. EC-1 is a 'Liner' to use the vernacular of the PC Junction Yards Branch. A 'Liner' is a yard crew that moves cars between yards but could do no switching. 
EC-1 arrives at North Side Yard and to no one's surprise it's engineer is 1/87th scale Alco Joe! He and Big Mike greet the EBRR trainmen and talk over current RR events and labor topics. 
1/87th scale Alco Joe and Big Mike have left North Side Yard and are on their way back to Terminal Yard
EC-1 heading back thru Bedford NY on Main 2 meets Extra 2103 as the Extra is building up air pressure to release the brakes. ACFX #56670 from Cargill in Rock Ridge NJ  on the APRR is now ready  for unloading at Hostess.
With EC-1 now clear Extra 2103 gets a green signal and crosses over to Main 2 for Empire City. 1/87th scale Bedford Tower operator John B. is out to give Extra 2103 a roll by inspection. 
Extra 2103 arrives at North Side Yard under the watchful eyes of 1/87th scale senior engineer Sir Neal and conductor John.
1/87th scale Sir Neal and conductor John are working the the EBRR Morning Industrial Job today. They have pulled the three cars for the LIRR off the tail end of Extra 2103 and readied Extra 2103s freight cars for departure. 
Extra 2103 heads back towards to Terminal Yard with the engine running long hood forward. 
We'll cut it off here for today with 1/87th scale Sir Neal and the Morning Industrial Job ready to work the Empire City industries.
We'll close it out tomorrow with train action on the EBRR and LIRR.

For more PCCM 60 action follow long on the 

The LF&NW has been temporarily sidelined 
along with the Ralston Creek RR 
We hope to have them back in operation for PCCM 61.

Thanks for reading!!!

See ya tomorrow!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill
    Acknowledge dispatch of trains EC-1 and Extra 2103.
    West Mill out.

    Thanks for the information about "Liners"! I didn't know that one! Nice job on the car movements. Seeing 9999 is always a treat and nice Alco consist on EC-1!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...

      Thanks Ralph!!! "Liners" info from PC book by Peter Lynch where he describes the Detroit area PC ops.

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement - Freight cars being delivered from Cargill to Hostess Bread.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    You can 'virtually smell' the baked good coming out of the Hostess plant! I remember back in the day the Wonder Bread Factory in Jamaica, NY as you drove by it or rode the train near it, the smell of butter and more would make you hungry!

    1. Thank you 1;1 Sir Neal!!!

      Everytime after I work Hostess I head upstairs looking for a Twinkie!!!
