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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Introducing RA Tower

Greetings All,

I recently bought a Bachmann Plasticville Switch Tower on ebay that was new in the box and being sold as a 'Buy it Now" item for $4.99 with shipping included.

Here is the kit as it arrived.
This kit features simple snap fit assembly. 
Here's the switch tower parts after a visit to the Patti-O Paint Shop where I rattle can painted the various pieces.
The switch tower fits very nicely on the lower level where it will be designated as RA Tower.
I decided to call it RA Tower as I liked the sound of it and had plenty of RAILROAD decals left over from my EMPIRE BELT RAILROAD decal sheets. I figured a road and parking area for the tower operator would also enhance the scene.
The road and parking area are in place I'm liking the way the scene looks.
The bulldozer is standing by to remind me to do something with that side of the tower. I like the way the bulldozer looks sitting there so it may be there for awhile.
The familiar VW of the Kings Port Railfan Society has pulled off to the side of the access road and drawn some scrutiny from the tower operator.
Empire City Station is in the distance just past the bridges over the Empire City canal. 
A pair of NYC E8As bring a passenger train past the tower towards Empire City Station. 
With any luck Benny, Chooch, Easy and T.C. from the K.P.R.S were able to get some decent photos and maybe some video.
The new scene with RA Tower as seen when you enter the train room.
Thanks for reading!!!
See Ya Soon!!!


  1. Nice work! That came out looking great! I like the bulldozer on the side, I would leave it there. If the foamers in VW give the tower operator any grief, I would have him fire up the bulldozer and aim towards the guys as a warning (smiling)!

  2. For details, I would add relay cabinets from Details West (BLMA makes them, too, but they're like post-2000). Or you can find them from other manufacturers. A tower like that also wouldn't have indoor plumbing, so you need an outhouse. You might as well have a section shed. Off the top of my head, I think Volume 2 of the Gulash NYC Odyssey series has a great scene of a couple trains at Vickers Tower near Toledo that show some of the detail you can add. I really like the barf green paint, but the roof needs to be in far worse shape

    1. Thanks John!! I think?😉 Thanks for the heads up on additional details to compliment the scene. An outhouse! Didn't you see the shrubs!

  3. Great little project John! I like your choice of NYC green on the tower. I noticed just past the tower you have a Tyco trailer loader. I recently purchased one myself on Ebay. I thoroughly cleaned the steel super structure and spray painted it a metallic silver color. I thought I would put a top coat of heavy equipment yellow on it to finish it up.

    1. Thank you Robert!! This was one of those big bang for small bucks projects that I really like. I've started working on adding some additional details from my parts box into the scene.

      Your TYCO TOFC Loader sounds like a good looking piece of industrial equipment. I've only dull coated mine so far. When I learned the REA used both TOFC and COFC I retrofitted the TYCO piece into that spot to give the illusion when running some REA / REX trailers that they could actually be unloaded at the REA building.

    2. Good idea on using the TYCO TOFC Loader for the REA facilty.

  4. You got a great deal on that kit and did a very nice job making it fit with your layout. It looks great in Jade Green. Very nice work! The guys at WM Tower in West Mill whose facilities are identical except for the paint job convey their congratulations and welcome!

    1. Thank you for the compliments Ralph!!! Tell the guys at WM Tower the guys at RA Tower appreciate their acceptance into the 1/87th scale tower society! A very nice gesture on their part.

  5. The tower looks good! Highlights a busy piece of railroad. I LOVE those big E8As. An E8 pulls the BRR.'s crack varnish the 'MOUNTAIN GOAT'. .... I hope the happless guys from the KPRS remember to take the lens cap off their camera!

    1. Thanks for the compliments K.K.!!! I'm a big fan of the E8s myself. Now that you mention the lens cap I was wondering why I didn't see any pictures from their trip to the big city. Keep an eye out for them on the BRR and keep them clear of the Mountain Goat!

  6. Nice looking tower for the layout. Your paint and decals make a nice touch. Perhaps Mr. Gulash will adopt RA Tower as a favorite spot to film from. It would be our luck the KPRS lads will get in the way of an otherwise perfect Emery run by of some classic PC units. Nice addition for the NYCTL trackside structures!

    1. Thanks Brian!! I need to keep my eyes out for a 1/87th scale Emery Gulash to put here and there around the layout photographing the action
