Blog Roll

Thursday, February 21, 2019

P.C.C.M. 58C / Arrival of Train VN-4

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 58 series!!!

We pick up the action at West Mill Yard on the Kings Port Division with the dispatch of Penn Central train WMV-3 to Selkirk Yard.

Upon terminating at Selkirk WMV-3 received new road power and a new train ID. Now identified as Train VN-4 it will take the West Mill cars from Selkirk to Terminal Yard. 
Four GP30s lead VN-4 over the Empire City viaduct as VN-4 makes its way thru Empire City to Terminal yard.
VN-4 heading to Terminal Yard
It's 7:00 PM and once again VN-4 arrives on time at Terminal Yard.
The GP30s have cut off from the train and head into the fuel rack.
Yard Job A gets right to work on VN-4s train. The crew will have it easy tonight as the trains from West Mill are always blocked for an easy transition to their connecting trains.
The seven car block for the L.I.R.R. is pulled off placed on track 3. 
This seven car block for Bedford and Bedford Park is pulled off and shoved into track 6.
Yard Job A has retrieved an Empire Belt RR caboose from the caboose track and shoves it into track 4.
The Empire City / Empire Belt RR block is coupled to the E.B.R.R. caboose and shoved back into track 4.
The L.I.R.R. Block is shoved into track 4 and coupled onto the Empire Belt RR cars for pick up by the E.B.R.R. for delivery to North Side Yard where they'll be interchanged with the L.I.R.R.
Yard Job A is doing the nightly caboose shuffle. NYC 21505 is being shoved into a yard track for the Bedford Turn. This gaggle of cabeese will go thru the wye and the most recently arrived cabooses will be on the front end of the caboose track for service.
After going thru the wye this NYC caboose that started on Train WMV-3 in West Mill and rode thru Selkirk to Terminal Yard leads the cabooses into the caboose track.
It's about 05:15 AM and all is quiet at Terminal Yard. Freight cars for train EC-1 are ready on track 4 and cars for Bedford & Bedford Park are ready to go on track 5.
At 05:30 AM 1/87th scale senior engineer Sir Neal leads an Empire Belt transfer freight with cabooses fore and aft from North Side Yard into Terminal Yard.
The E.B.R.R. freight cars are on track 1 and 1/87th scale Sir Neal has run his SDP-40s thru the escape track at the end of track 1 and comes out on track 2.
The E.B.R.R. reclaims caboose #1603 that brought up the rear of the transfer run and gets ready to couple up onto the outbound freight cars of Train EC-1.
EC-1 rattles the windows of Bedford NY as it rumbles back to North Side Yard.
EC-1 arrives at Terminal Yard. E.B.R.R. GP9ms sit in a siding off the industrial track.
The Empire City cars and Long Island RR cars are split up
The Empire City cars are shoved onto the industrial track.
We'll cut it here today with all cars in place and ready to go. 1/87th scale Sir Neal has tied down his engines on track 3. Sir Neal and Conductor John meet 1/87th scale PC Ralph as he reports for duty at the yard office. 
Much more to follow!!!
Thanks for reading!!!
See Ya Tomorrow!!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement of Train VN-4 to Terminal Yard

    Rock Ridge Out!

    The video on this train movement says it all! Some great freight running thru the scenes and at the end with the engine terminal. Very enjoyable. Looking forward to the final deliveries of freight in and around Empire City!

  2. To: Terminal Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge arrival of VN-4 at Terminal Yard

    West Mill out.

    I enjoyed the quartet of GP30s! The caboose action was a nice extra treat! Great job setting up the action for the next N.Y.C.T.L. installment!
