Blog Roll

Monday, January 7, 2019

P.C.C.M.55B / Unit Coal Train URN-4 arrives at Terminal Yard

Greetings All,

Welcome to the P.C.C.M. 55 series!!

P.C.C.M. 55A started off on Ralph's Kings Port Division with Penn Central Unit Coal Train URN-4 recrewed at West Mill and dispatched towards Selkirk where the train will come around the Selkirk hurdle and head down the Hudson Line to my Terminal Yard. URN-4s empty coal hoppers will then be delivered to Hudson Coal for loading and then set back towards West Mill.

We catch URN-4 coming west thru Empire City. Hudson Coal can be seen in the background.

URN-4 heads over the Empire City viaduct

URN-4 passing Bedford Tower and tower operator 1/87th scale John B who's admiring the B&O F7s in the power consist.
 URN-4 rolls thru Bedford NY towards Terminal Yard
 URN-4 has plenty of empty coal hoppers in tow.
1/87th scale John B has put the word out that some foreign power is in today's URN-4 and the guys gather at Terminal Yard to watch URN-4s arrival.

The engines have cut off from the coal hoppers in the background  and are entering the engine facility.
The crew brings the F7s into the fuel rack. Fill er up!
The Yard Job gets to work on URN-4s train as we catch 1/87th scale Alco Joe heading towards the Alco S-4 with more rush or appointment cars for the Ford Plant.
 The empty coal hoppers are now in the departure yard.
 The Yard Job shoves the caboose into the caboose track.
 The Coal Job is now ready to go with two F-M H16-44s for power. The shop forces at Terminal Yard have a saying that goes like this, Give us your tired, your broken, your Alcos, your Baldwins, your F-Ms, your Limas as well as your GEs and EMDs....
The Coal Job rolls downgrade towards the Hudson Coal switch to swap URN-4s empties for these loaded coal hoppers.
The Coal Job gets to work pulling the loaded hoppers. The Coal Job favors the ex PRR focal orange cabooses for their high visibility.
Back on the mainline the Coal Job is held at Bedford Station for the Ford Plant rush cars to enter Bedford Park.  
The tracks are now clear and the Coal Job shoves the empties back towards Hudson Coal.
 The empties get spotted.
The engines couple up to their train and await clearance to proceed towards Terminal Yard.
The Coal Job may be waiting of awhile as 1/87th scale John B is juggling some higher priority trains at Bedford Tower that will need to overtake the Coal Job. Looks like Sir Neal with scheduled train EB-2 will go first as we see Alco Joe out on the porch of the S-4.
We'll end it here for today with 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal with EB Train EB-2 getting ready to overtake the Coal Job as it sits on Main 2.
Tomorrow we'll pick up the loaded coal hoppers from Hudson Coal and get then dispatched back to West Mill in PC Train URN-5.

See ya tomorrow!!
Thanks for reading!!


  1. Nice coal train! Enjoyed the videos and the mix of another local running as well. Looks like Empire City will keep busy for a while!

  2. I’m with Neal, really great videos of URN-4 rolling into town. The PC and B&O units make nice head end power. Looks like Alco Joe likes the new S-4 for the Bedford Park run. Looking forward to seeing URN-5 make the jump over the Selkirk Hurdle and head back to West Mill with those Hudson Coal black diamonds.

    1. Thanks Brian!! Alco Joe is having fun 'breaking in' the new S-4 and management is wondering when he'll release it from the shop for assignment at Bedford Park Yard.

  3. Great follow up to the series as the pooled power reaches Empire City. I really liked the three-train action in your first video as well timed freights pass under and meet URN-4! That has to be one of the best train watching spots in Empire City! The new engine facilities look good hosting the B&O units, probably not seen often on those service tracks! Always a treat to see the F-M H16-44s at work! The rush cars for the Ford plant headed by your new S-4 was a nice touch!

    1. Thanks Ralph!! Having the B&O engines in the mix was a special treat for the 1:1 and 1:87 rail fans! Thanks for sending them thru with train URN-4. The H16-44s are some of my favorite models engines and they can handle any and all heavy switching and road assignments on the layout.
