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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Some more RR Right of Way Improvements

Greetings All,

My participation in the virtual ops or Penn Central Car Movements has been extremely rewarding for me with the friendships that have developed and I have benefitted handsomely from these. The other reward from the P.C.C.M.s is the virtual ops catalyst that continues to positively impact the N.Y.C.T.L.

The virtual ops catalyst can best be described as a motivational tool that inspires all types of model railroading projects for the betterment of the layout, motive power and rolling stock. Let's take a look at some of the latest RR Right of Way improvements spurred on by the virtual ops catalyst and a generous gift. 

This photo from P.C.C.M. 51A had me thinking that this scene was a bit too manicured.
Here's the same scene a couple of weeks later with some ballast added.
The west side curve was also in need of some work. I had put down a lot of Lichen and foliage between the tracks that I slowly started to remove as seen below.
With most of the foliage removed and ballast added it looks more like a RR right of way.
EB cabooses being moved to a storage track prior to our five layout Intermodal Op. This looks much better to me.
Another area that needed a touch up was the Hohman Ave Tower. Note the shadows under the building.
I moved the tower slightly and added more gravel to the base of the building. 
This area on the lower level under the High Line received some ballast work to give it a more railroad look. It could probably use some debris now that I look at it thru the camera lens.
A couple of weeks ago fellow modeler, blogger and our Virtual Ops west coast representative John Bruce sent me a Project Box that contained among other things a pair of tunnel portals. Here's the first one in place at the tunnel thru wall between Terminal Yard and Hudson Coal and the rest of the NYCTL. 
This is the other side of the wall on the Hudson Coal side. I've pulled up some of the ground cover as the project is now underway 
Here's the other tunnel portal with wings sent by John B. I tried it with both wings facing out but it didn't look that great so I set it up like this.
I've cut the wing to the left and am building up the area around the wings. In the background I've added green floral foam.
Get out the grease!! I ran the double stacks from the Intermodal ops back and forth several times to make sure they cleared.
Here's the area built up with the glue still wet. That Woodland Scenics Still operation will receive a little more publicity now.
Amtrak Superliners head thru the tunnel.  
The tunnel portals add a lot of scenic interest to both sides of the layout and I'm very happy with the way the area turned out.
 Thanks John!!!! 
Thanks for reading!!


  1. Some really good looking layout improvements to the NYCTL! Amazing what some ballast and scenery will do for a scene. Is that the paver sand you have used before? Tunnel portals make for a nice touch as well. I think the PCCM series really has been a great inspiration as well. Always fun to see the new projects and work everyone has done with their layouts and roster.

    1. Thanks Brian!! The material is called paver sand 2 or paver base 2. I put it thru two different size strainers to get a fine sand and then some small gravel and then the larger stones which all come in handy. Not bad for under $4.00

    2. Thanks for the information on the paver base ballast. Looks great and you can’t beat the price.

  2. To tell the truth, I threw the tunnel portals into the box because I had no place to use them, but based on photos of your layout, I wasn't sure you did, either, and thought maybe you'd pass them on. It's great to see them in use!

    1. I'm glad you threw them in!!! They really added a lot to the two areas. Thank you again!

  3. You've been doing some great upgrades to the layout. Nice work on the ballast and both ends of the tunnel portal.

  4. All scenic improvements are looking very good! I like the occasional section of rail sitting between the tracks too. That virtual ops catalyst is a great motivator for me as well. Great stuff John!

    1. Thanks Ralph!! Since the beginning of the virtual ops both of us have completed so many projects for the betterment of our layouts I've lost count. I know right now you have a couple of virtual ops projects of your own underway and look I forward to seeing them.
