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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Antique Store Finds

Greetings All,

A road trip taken by my wife and I just before Thanksgiving to Commerce, Georgia paid big dividends for the the N.Y.C.T.L. Our destination was Lindy's Trains at the Red Hound Antique Mall. I had previously bought trains from him at another location but he moved from there to this place which is a lot farther from my layout. Maybe that's not such a bad thing!😃

Here's the train goodies that I left with for $30.00

A Bachmann Plus Diesel Sanding Rack, a very old Athearn powered GP30, an Athearn BB flatcar with a container load,
A Bachmann Plus Diesel Fueling Rack, a TYCO bulkhead flatcar and a Life Like caboose.
When I checked out the BB flat car I realized the contained was held in place by these two styrene tubes.
After cutting the tubes flush with the deck I inserted small wood dowels into the holes.
Next I painted the deck and added the four Athearn metal stakes, Kadee #27 couplers and Walthers metal wheels. The Life Like SP gondola has been converted to body mounted Kadee#5s and also received Walthers metal wheels.  
A large Chooch (?) cable load in placed on the UP flat. The strip wood keeps it tight to the metal stakes so it doesn't move but can be easily removed to run empty or with another load.
The TYCO bulkhead flatcar was stripped and repainted as EBRR 794182 as seen below. 
TYCO cataloged this a pulpwood car that came with a pulpwood load. I've added body mounted Kadee #5s, Intermountain metal wheels and replaced the missing brake wheel.
On the N.Y.C.T.L. this car is perfect for these wrapped machinery loads from online shipper Reliable Machine Company.
The Empire Belt RR will now also be able to better serve online shipper Gervais Pipe & Fitting 
Last but not least the old Athearn ATSF GP30 had its motor and some gears removed to make it free rolling. It was stripped and painted as PC 2189
The new 2189 (2nd unit) joins my fleet of PC GP30s which consists of three units with the early red P and one with the all white herald. The other three units are powered.
As for the Fueling Rack and Sanding Rack I'll cover that in more detail in a separate blog entry titled Terminal Yard Engine Facility Additions which will be posted in the very near future. 
Thanks for reading!!
See ya soon!!


  1. Nice acquisitions for the N.Y.C.T.L.~The Bachmann diesel details are nice, just some of the parts are warped, at least the ones I bought. Still a great addition. It seems the Patti-O paint shop never rests!Great work on the freight cars and PC engine.

  2. Excellent conversions of the container flat, bulkhead car, and the GP30! The new flat with iron stakes and the TYCO bulkhead car(which is looking very good in E.B.R.R. paint are already showing how versatile they can be in service on the layout! One can never have enough GP30s despite what Big Mike thinks! Big goings on at the Terminal Yard Engine Facility!!!

  3. The NYCTL scores again with some great antique store bargains. Great catch with the Athearn GP30. That’s a fifty year old loco you don’t see much of anymore. The Patti-O shops did a fantastic job on it! The EBRR bulkhead car looks great as well. I never saw beyond the pulpwood use for that style of car. Really good looking loads for it. Great additions to the roster and some fantastic buys!

    1. Thanks Brian!! Thanks for the compliments and info on the GP30. I knew it was an old timer but didn't think it was that old. I'm happy to be able to give it a second life and good home. I could probably power it up with a new motor but it will get more layout time as a non powered unit.

      The TYCO Pulpwood car caught my eye and I thought it would look neat in EBRR paint and be useful for the pipe and wrapped machinery loads. The steel deck is slightly lower than the sides offering a small lip that keeps the loads from sliding off.
