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Monday, July 9, 2018

Matchbox Fuel Trucks and Upgraded Cabooses.

Greetings All,

Over the past couple of weeks I took on some simple and inexpensive projects that transformed an inexpensive pair of Matchbox trucks for layout use, upgraded the worn out couplers on a pair of cabooses that were on the roster for about 20 years and enhanced one of them with new heralds, lettering and a Road to the Future slogan.

I bought two of these Matchbox trucks at my local big box store for 94 cents each.
Image result for matchbox jet fuel truck
I drilled out the rivets and separated the parts. I painted both with a rattle can of Jade Green from a company called American Slings. Here's one at work on the layout filling the diesel tank of a refrigerated trailer.
Gotta fuel those mechanical reefers as well. 
A pair of PC decals gives the truck a RR identity.
The NYC herald tells us this was a pre merger truck. I brush painted the rims with Americana brand Bluegrass Green acrylic hobby paint.
In the background where they add some visible interest to the scene
The next project was to upgrade and enhance a pair of Athearn BB cabooses that I've had for about 20 years. Below the are being shoved toward the Terminal Yard Shop.
NYC 24524 was fitted with EZ Mates in my first upgrade from horn hook couplers to knuckle couplers. The shoving and pulling of model railroad operations have taken their toll and the EZ Mates have worn out and need to be replaced.
P&LE 312 was found in the caboose box. I completely forgot I had it and it's probably been in the box for well over a year. It is in need of new couplers and a transfer from the P&LE to the NYC.
This caboose did have a significant role in a Septerber 1, 2016 blog post: During a long shove test I used this Athearn BB P&LE #312 bay window caboose. Newly minted conductor 1/87th scale PC Ralph is solo and protecting the shove move. Here he is getting orders and congratulations from Bedford Tower Operator 1/87th scale John B.
    Yuck! The rusty interior of P&LE 312 is revealed. This is one of my oldest units as I've been painting the weights for about 15 or more years. 1/87th scale AT JOE is busy swapping the couplers on NYC 24524. AT JOE can often be found around the shop area when he's not at the throttle.
P&LE 312 has had it's weight and under frame painted flat black. Both cabooses are now equipped with Kadee #5s
I did have some issues with the coupler lid staying securely fastened to the coupler box. I used a small drill bit to drill a hole in the center of the coupler box and attached the lid with a small screw leftover from a Bachmann product. Problem solved.
P&LE 312 is now NYC 21526 with a new NYC herald, reporting marks, number and the 'Road to the Future' decal added. Window glass had been added a long time ago.
Here's what the shell portion of the project basically entailed. I placed the bigger NYC decal over the original NYC oval. I brush painted the sides of the bay window with Americana brand Bluegrass Green hobby paint and added the new reporting marks and number from some leftover decals. After using Walthers solvaset to settle the decals down I brush painted some model master clear flat over the side and roof to protect the decals and give it a uniform finish. 
The new PC fuel truck and refurbished cabooses share the background as PC C425 #2422 rounds the curve at Terminal Yard.
A pair of 94 cent toy trucks added for some visual interest, two cabooses upgraded for better operations and one of them lettered and renumbered for better utilization. The Athearn BB bay window caboose is not prototypical for the NYC but with the better decals and Road to the Future slogan it's close enough for me.
Thanks for reading!   


  1. Nice work on the Matchbox trucks and cabooses! I think that's the first time I've seen the 'Road to the Future' slogan. Very catchy! Maybe the slogan for the EB as well?

  2. Thanks for the compliments Sir Neal!!

    The NYC 'Road to the Future' started appearing on their 215 series bay window cabooses in the mid 1960s.

  3. Wow John, way to turn those cheapie Matchbox trucks into convincing PC and NYC models that enhance your scenes!!! I really like the way the decals totally make the trucks part of the over all railroad theme! Neat pics of crewmen running the hoses from truck to rolling stock! Very nice! I'm going to start looking for things like this at flea markets and toy stores!! Excellent work adding to the caboose roster and making a passable model into something special on the N.Y.C.T.L. Thanks for the reminders of the paints you use that match up well with the NYC and PC!

    1. Thanks for the compliments Ralph! Some of the Matchbox toy trucks scale out very well for HO scale use. For 94 cents you can't beat the price!
