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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

P.C.C.M. #47E

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 47 series!!

Today the Empire Belt RR takes center stage as we move the freight cars from Terminal Yard to North Side Yard and their respective Empire City industries. We'll also follow up on our inaugural T.O.F.C. consignee deliveries.

We pick up the action at Terminal Yard as the E.B.R.R. pulls three freight cars that arrived yesterday in Penn Central Train WMV-5 from track 7. WMV-5 (West Mill to Selkirk) was dispatched from Ralph's West Mill Yard in P.C.C.M. 47C.
The three cars from WMV-5 are coupled to the rest of the train and Empire Belt Train EC-1(Terminal Yard - North Side Yard) is now ready to depart on track 4.
 EC-1 heads down grade from Terminal Yard past Hudson Coal.
Passing Bedford Station this commuter is obviously not a rail fan and is more interested in the photographer.
Rolling over the High Line into Empire City
 Coming thru the west side reverse curve.
 Entering North Side Yard from the east side entrance.
EC-1 has yarded it's train and pulled the three WMV-5 cars for delivery. In the lower left the Cargill covered hopper can be seen being shoved towards Empire City Cargill while the three T.O.F.C. trailers from WMV-5 sit in bumper to bumper traffic entering Empire City.
The Cargill covered hopper is spotted at Empire City Cargill.
The E.B.R.R. now heading towards the west side passes Empire Produce and North Side Yard.
Working the Superior Furniture / Reliable Machine Works lead the big E.B.R.R. six axle engines are in uncharted territory as they shove under Superior Furniture to pull the outbound freight cars.
NYC 50' boxcar #80775 loaded with machine parts from Quality Fabrications is spotted at Reliable Machine Works. The E.B.R.R. engine looks to have barely made it under Superior Furniture. 
Hohman Ave tower operator 1/87th scale Larry D has come down to check out the groaning tracks and loud rumbling as E.B.R.R. 6294 and 6295 squeeze under Superior Furniture rattling their foundation and windows and providing the workers with the pleasant aroma of diesel exhaust.
The drama is over and PC 40' boxcar #104478 loaded with Zenith console televisions is spotted at Superior Furniture.
Later that morning our T.O.F.C trailers arrive at their destinations This E.B.R.R. trailer is loaded with brochures for Catskill Mountain resorts and attractions is backed into the loading dock of Anchor Cargo & Distributing. Come summer time the folks of Empire City will be flocking to the Catskills much to the delight of the Catskill Mountain Tourism Board. 
Over at Ralph's Grocery Warehouse the PC Trailer loaded with REVCO products is in the truck door waiting to be unloaded and the Cooper Jarrett trailer is parked waiting for the PC trailer to leave. If they're smart both drivers will be heading over to Pizza Land for a slice or two while they wait.
Back at North Side Yard 1/87th scale Engineer Ed lets Senior Engineer Sir Neal know that Sir Neal was right about the engines fitting under Superior Furniture. 1/87th scale conductor John checks for damage anyway and silently wishes these cowboys would use a spacer car or two for that move as he'll be getting the phone calls from Superior Furniture.
With that done we end the action at North Side Yard with the departure of Train EC-2 heading to Terminal Yard.
That concludes my portion of the P.C.C.M. 47 series. The action is now forwarded to Brian's Ralston Creek layout for the next installment.
Thanks for reading!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Ralston Creek

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement of freight car deliveries from WMV-5 and EC-1

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Great wrap up on the N.Y.C.T.L. portion of #47! Lots or freight being delivered. Some of your pics of the engines are great, especially the engine leading EC-2 to Terminal Yard!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge.

      Thanks for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal!

  2. Great move, although I think the folks at Superior Furniture would not agree. That string of pipe loads look familiar. Pizzaland looks like it found a good spot on the layout. All in all a great move.

  3. To: Terminal Yard, Ralston Creek
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge deliveries from WMV-5 to consignees in Empire Belt train EC-1 including TOFC trailers.

    West Mill Out.

    Fun to see the trailers making their way through the streets o reach Anchor Cargo & Distributing and Ralph's Grocery Warehouse! Fleshing out these moves by including information about their loads, and clarifying the shipper and consignee makes TOFC ops much more interesting! Wow! That was close clearance as the E.B.R.R. units slipped under Superior Furniture! Glad all went well w/o damage to equipment or the cusotmer's facilities! Phew! I can't understand why that guy at Bedford Station wasn't thrilled to watch the E.B.R.R. at work! He really missed out! I noticed those good looking pipe loads Ed referred to. Great installment all around!

    1. 10-4 West Mill.

      Thanks for all the compliments Ralph! The SDP40's fitting under Superior Furniture was close and I was happy they made it without any of the damages you noted. Whew! was right! The pipe loads are the last of the scraps leftover from my big plumbing job last year.


  4. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Rock Ridge

    From: Elkhart

    Acknowledge delivery of cars and trailers from Terminal Yard via EBRR EC-1 and truck transport.

    Elkhart out.

    Another creative segment for the PCCM annuals! Having the deliveries made by both rail and truck adds a fun dimension to the series. I’m sure the Superior Furniture delivery with EE and the big six axle EMD’s will be a topic for both the local train crews and the Superior Furniture staff for sometime to come. Really great series. More action to follow from Elkhart .

    1. 10-4 Elkhart.

      Thanks Brian! P.C.C.M. 47 had some successful experiments with the T.O.F.C. cars, trailers and the SDP40s actually fitting under Superior Furniture.
