Blog Roll

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

P.C.C.M. 46A

Greetings All,

P.C.C.M. #46 is underway!

The N.Y.C.T.L. has been designated as the originating layout for the action that will go from east to west and span four layouts as of this writing. I'll start by gathering up outbound freight cars consigned to industries on Ralph's K.P.D. layout, 1:1 Sir Neal's A.P.R.R. layout and Brian's Ralston Creek RR layout. Then I'll dispatch the outbound cars in freight trains bound for Selkirk where Ralph will takeover. 

The action starts in the wee hours at Terminal Yard with 1/87th scale PC Ralph and his trusty conductor/brakeman checking in at the yard office prior to leaving the yard with Train BP-41 that will work Bedford Park industries.
BP-41 led by an Alco RS-1 heads thru Bedford NY towards Bedford Park and meets the Bedford Local being run by none other than newly minted engineer 1/87th scale AT JOE (Brian's alter ego).
Arriving at Bedford Park BP-41's first move is to swap empties for loads at the Ford Chemical Track. The empty Celanese tank car will be heading back to Celanese Chemical's Globeville plant on Brian's Ralston Creek layout 
Next stop is to pick up Ralph Island #35062 loaded at American Hardware with bulk hardware for Van Winkle Canning in Bloomberg NY on Ralph's K.P.D. layout
Meanwhile over in Empire City outside of the Empire Belt RR's North Side Yard 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal gets clearance from Hohman Ave Tower operator 1/87th scale Larry D. 1/87th scale sir Neal will couple up to the string of cars including the Tropicana RBL and will be heading to Terminal Yard as Train EC-2. 
E.B.R.R. Train EC-2 heads towards Terminal Yard and meets BP-41 at Bedford Station. Once EC-2 clears BP-41 will head to the Empire City west side reverse curve to orient the train to work the Ford Plant.
EC-2 making good time heading towards Terminal Yard. The Tropicana RBL will be heading back to the large NJ Tropicana Plant on Sir Neal's A.P.R.R. layout
BP-41 crosses over to track 2 and gets a highball from Bedford Tower operator 1/87th scale John B.
BP-41 comes thru the west side reverse curve and is greeted at the Hohman Ave Tower by tower operator 1/87th scale Larry D.
BP-41 is back at the Bedford Park Ford Plant where it will pull three empty 86' Auto parts boxcars and two loaded Auto Racks
The empty PRR and APRR 86' boxcars will be going back to IDEAL Auto Parts on the APRR and the NYC 86' boxcar will be going back to ACME Auto Parts on the KPD.
With it's work at Bedford Park completed BP-41 has now turned toward Terminal Yard and is designated as Train BP-12 for this trip
BP-12 heads back to Terminal Yard. This remains one of my favorite trains to rail fan.
BP-12 climbs the grade to Terminal Yard behind Hudson Coal's newest billboard.
BP-12 has arrived at Terminal Yard
Over at the Terminal Yard engine tracks 1/87th scale AT JOE has traded in his Baldwin S12 for a trio of ALCO four axle Centuries to handle the tonnage of the next Bedford Local. 
1/87th scale AT JOE gets ready to head out and work the industries at Bedford NY.  
First job is to swap loads for empties at the Heileman Brewery. The loaded EBRR 50' boxcar is heading out to Centennial Beverage Distributors in Denver CO on Brian's Ralston Creek layout.
The Bedford Local is now working the long siding that includes Hostess, Berk Enterprises and University Millwork. The empty Bi-Centennial Hostess covered hopper is going back to Cargill on the APRR 
The train has shoved back to Berk Enterprises to pick up P&E 40' boxcar #3638 loaded with packaging material for Cavendish Fine Foods in Mayfied NY on the KPD.
Continuing the long shove the Local is now pulling these four loaded cars from Univeristy Millwork. The TPFX 5510 and PC 360158 are loaded with cabinets for Battaglia Bros. warehouse in Kings Port NY.
1/87th scale AT JOE has to hold at Bedford Tower for an inbound Penn Central manifest train before he can make his run around move and head back to Terminal Yard. Viewers of History of the World Part 1 know that workman's listening to Funky Town!
The PC manifest train makes it's way thru Bedford as the conductor watches from the NYC 'Road to the Future' bay window caboose.
That's a wrap for today. We'll pick it up tomorrow with the early afternoon action in and around Terminal Yard, Bedford and Empire City.
Thanks for reading!


  1. To: Terminal Yard, North Side Yard
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge dispatch of Trains BP-41/BP-12, EC-2, and the Bedford Local.

    West Mill out.

    The RS-1 is a nifty locomotive that is fun to watch...a railfan fave on the N.Y.C.T.L no doubt! Lots of work going on with more to come before trains leave Empire City for points south and west! Nice start setting it all up!

    1. 10-4 West Mill...
      Thanks for the compliments Ralph!
      The RS-1(Atlas) was at max tonnage getting back to Terminal Yard. In future a second engine may be required or a shorter train or a helper engine.

  2. To: Terminal Yard, North Side Yard
    From: Elkhart

    Acknowledge dispatch of Trains BP-41/BP-12, EC-2, and the Bedford Local.

    Elkhart out!

    1/87 ATJOE is honored with his new promotion to Engineer. Getting to run both a Baldwin/ EMD combination and a set of four axle ALCO Century units is a career highlight. Great start with P.C.C.M. 46. The folks here in Denver are looking forward to drinking the fine Heileman Brewery products.
    Really like the new Hudson Coal billboard. Glad to see “big coal” is making a positive image with the citizens of Empire City aka Funky Town.

    1. 10-4 Elkhart...
      Thanks for the compliments Brian!!!
      1/87th scale AT JOE's railroad career is progressing quite nicely! He's been a great hire and comes to work everyday with a positive attitude.

  3. To: Terminal Yard
    To: North Side Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: Elkart

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement of dispatching Trains BP-41, BP-12, EC-2, and Bedford Local.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Great start to P.C.C.M. 46! Congratulations go out to 1/87th ATJOE on his promotion to Engineer on the N.Y.C.T.L.! You started him out right with the ALCO Century engines to run. Also, there's lots of action that will heading out to three locations! Rock Ridge Yard and the A.P.R.R. crew will be ready for the inbound freight. Those 86' box cars do stand out, for sure.
    History of the World Part 1! Really? Such a great analogy! Wow!!

    1. 10-4 Rock Ridge...

      Thanks for the compliments 1;1 Sir Neal!
      That guy on the Bedford platform looks like he's walking with a boom box next to his ear. He just reminds me of the scene from History of the World Part 1
