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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Weathering Hudson Coal

Greetings All,

Modeling a 1/87th scale working coal mine that supplies large amounts of coal to industries like Kings Port Steel and for export from the Genesee Coal Docks on Ralph's Kings Port Division layout and is the primary coal supplier for the R.M.O. Electric Company on 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR layout had me looking to make my Hudson Coal mine look more the part.

Hudson Coal looking a little to clean and neat circa P.C.C.M. 44. 
What was once pristine is now showing signs of non stop coal loading. I even added the decal after seven years.
The train yard and surrounding concrete looking dirty and aged. 
The second Hudson Coal decal is in place. Rust and coal dust and plenty of it on these metal building.
Everything is weathered with Doc O'Brien's weathering powders.
 The coal hoppers are returned to their respective tracks.
Not bad, but now the coal hoppers themselves look a little to clean for being in continuous coal service.
A light misting of rattle can black has eliminated any signs of cleanliness.
The coal hopper weathering is subtle showing the cars are still in good shape and have many more revenue miles ahead of them. 
A look into the Hudson Coal Yard. 
A clean B&O F7 works it's way down the grade behind Hudson Coal showing a sharp contrast with the dirt and grime in the foreground.
The Hudson Coal forklift is no longer nice and shiny. It looks like it's been worked hard and left out in the elements.
The 'Coal Power' sign has been put back and Hudson Coal has reopened for business.
Thanks for reading!


  1. Looks great! Nice weathering to the entire structure and accessories. The area looks very realistic. I like the way the tracks and walkway look as well...

  2. What a big difference - it looks great ! The signs look great as well. Now it really does look like a busy coal operation.

  3. Really nice weathering job on the buildings and rolling stock. Looks like a hard working industry that has been doing it a long time.

  4. Hudson Coal looking like it has been in business and working hard for years! I especially like the rust tones coming off the roof lines. Nice work!

  5. Mr. Reynolds:

    Love your Hudson Coal layout! In case you are interested, our club (the Endless Mountains Model Railroad Club) is selling Hudson Coal hoppers as a fundraiser. We know that Hudson did not really have such hoppers, but a local tie makes them a better seller in our area. Seeing your layout, we thought you might be interested. The cars are HO 55-ton fishbelly hoppers, made by Bowser, $20 per kit plus postage. See our website for more about our club ( or give us a call at 570-278-3992. Someday we'd love to see your full layout. Thanks! -- Michael Rudolf, secretary, Endless Mountains Model Railroad Club, Montrose PA

    1. Mr Rudolf,

      Thank you for the compliments on my Hudson Coal mine. I appreciate the head's up on the Hudson Coal hoppers and will definitely check them out. John
