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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Penn Central Car Movement #43C

Greetings All,

Welcome back to the P.C.C.M. 43 series. We wrap up the origination portion today. We'll start it off with some yard switching and close it out with the dispatch of PC Train LI-1. Train LI-1 was an actual PC train that rain daily leaving from Oak Point Yard in the Bronx NY at 04:00 AM for Selkirk NY with a scheduled arrival time at 12:00 PM.

To: Selkirk, West Mill, Zenith Yard
From: Terminal Yard
Dispatch of Train LI-1 (Empire City to Selkirk)

With all freight cars heading to the K.P.D. and L.F.N.W. now in Terminal Yard it's time to put together a switch list and blocking order.
With the blocking order and switch list prepared the Terminal Yard switching crew gets busy pulling E.B.R.R. caboose 1604 from the rear of the Empire Belt transfer run. Terminal Yard power today is a pair of PRR FM H16-44s. Of the Penn Central's 38 H16-44s the PRR contributed 10. The PC will round up all FM H16-44s and assign them to Chicago to be closer to their Beloit WI parts supply.
Freight cars from Empire City are at the bottom of the photo and freight cars from Bedford are at the top. The switch crew will be working both of these trains to build outbound train LI-1
Getting down to business the switch crew has spotted NYC caboose 21698 on track 6 where they will start building LI-1.
The Selkirk block is now in place. PC depressed center flatcar 766053 will be cut off at Selkirk for storage. L.F.N.W. 50' boxcar 160 and GN 40' boxcar 3630 will be removed at Selkirk and transferred to train LS-1 where they'll travel to Elkhart IN for inclusion in train BN-1 that will take them to Chicago to interchange with western railroads for their journey to John B's California based L.F.N.W. layout.
Three Penn Central gondolas make up the West Mill transfer to Williams Yard block. PC 576104 & 576123 are loaded with scrap for Kings Port Steel and PC Gondola 288673 is loaded with pipe for the Hudson Valley Ag Coop.
The IC and TP&W boxcars are consigned to industries in Kings Port NY, PC 77047 will be heading to Marion NY, the NYC Pacemaker car and PC 360063 will be headed to Bloomberg NY. 
P&LE and GM&O boxcar along with the Cargill covered hopper are all headed to industries in Mayfield NY
The crew has doubled over to track 7 to continue buiding this outbound train. BM 109 and 110 will be be going to Corning NY and NYC 80775 is headed to Canton box in West Mill proper.
The yard crew has added five empty covered hoppers for Empire Grain also within the city of West Mill. 
Oops! BM 105 was left out of train LI-1. Obviously an office error. The crew will have to place it in the proper block.
BM 105 loaded with printed packaging for Blue Ribbon Flour is placed at the rear of the West Mill transfer to Williams Yard block. The crew is using their collective heads here. Putting BM 105 behind the gondolas eliminates having to add a buffer car at Selkirk once the cars for the L.F.N.W. are pulled. BM 105 will protect the men in the caboose in case any of the pipes in PC 288673 come loose. The pipes are just above the top of the car necessitating this protective move.
The power is in place, the crew is on board a terminal air test will be performed once they connect to the rest of the train on track 6. 

LI-1 has left Terminal Yard and is coming downgrade behind Hudson Coal.

Next stop Selkirk!!!!

It's a wrap! P.C.C.M. 43 now moves onto Ralph's K.P.D. 
and then John B's L.F.N.W. 
Thanks for reading and watching!


  1. Nice work on the N.Y.C.T.L.! Love the action of the intra-layout moves as well as the readiness of the train to Selkirk. I do question the amount of motive power used. Based on the consist shown, I think an extra engine could have been used according to what I've been told by 1:87 Sir Neal.

    Looking forward to the action at Selkirk, West Mill and out in CA!

    1. Thanks for compliments 1:1 Sir Neal! I've queried the Terminal Yard Power Desk and ascertained they use a 1 engine for every 6 freight cars methodology. With at least 8 of the 24 cars empty the power to tonnage ratio seems right. But I do like the idea of an extra engine and using a 1 in 5 scenario. Might have to reserve this for higher priority trains like NY-12, ML-12 etc.

  2. To: Terminal Yard, Selkirk, Zenith Yard
    From: West Mill
    Acknowledge the dispatch of Train LI-1 (Empire City to Selkirk)with cars bound for West Mill Yard.

    The Terminal Yard crew did an admirable job blocking cars and the power foreman provided what looks like ample hauling capability although it sounds like Neal would like to see more! West Mill will be prepared to receive blocks of cars for local consignees on Friday as part of Train VW-1 (Selkirk to Weehawken)

    1. Thanks Ralph! We'll get the report from the road crew about the power to tonnage ratio used. Of course they may be 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal disciples and report the train could have used two extra engines! Looking forward to the action on the K.P.D.!

  3. Nice segment with an abundance of details and eye candy. Your EBRR outside braced boxcar is looking sharp. The Patti-O shops are working overtime bringing out new rolling stock. The local rail fans are still trying to get a good shot of the new EBRR white paint scheme. Great stuff, looking forward to seeing the Kingsport segment.

    1. Thanks for the compliments Brian!! The outside braced E.B.R.R. boxcar is the last E.B.R.R car added to the roster. The white whale, I mean boxcar is a day older. Experimental scheme on a rescue car. I'll showcase it next time around. It's an Athearn BB model.
