Blog Roll

Monday, January 15, 2018

P.C.C.M. #42H

Greetings All,

The N.Y.C.T.L. is the proud recipient of freight cars from four layouts in our ground breaking FIVE layout virtual ops or Penn Central Car Movement. In this case the old adage, 'giving is better than receiving', may very well be true! 

If you're just tuning in check out the prior car movements that kicked off the 42 series and how these cars made their way from layout, to layout, to layout, to layout, to layout.

P.C.C.M. 42A. Engineer Ed's Hoschton Railway started us off.
P.C.C.M. 42B. John Bruce's L.F.N.W. RR sent some freight east.
P.C.C.M. 42C. Sir Neal's A.P.R.R. pulled some empty coal hoppers.
P.C.C.M. 42D. Sir Neal dispatches AP RW-1 to meet with PC NE-2
P.C.C.M. 42E. Sir Neal's RW-1 meets NE-2 at Weehawken NJ
Bonus video: Sir Neal videos PC NE-2 leaving Weehawken NJ
P.C.C.M. 42F. Ralph V's West Mill readies for the arrival of NE-2
P.C.C.M.42G. Ralph's West Mill add freight car to NE-2 and                                    forwards NE-2 to Selkirk. With bonus video!

Now that you're up to date let's get P.C.C.M. 42H started. 

To: Terminal Yard, Rock Ridge Yard
From: Selkirk Yard

P&LE 39635 has been removed from VN-4 consist with cracked truck and damaged brake pipe. Adjust train consist to reflect this change. Rock Ridge Yard freight agent to notify shipper of delay.

Selkirk out...

We'll pick up the action with PC Train VN-4 heading to Terminal Yard

To: West Mill, Rock Ridge, Zenith Yard, HRC West Side Yard.
From : Terminal Yard

Arrival of PC Train VN-4 ( Selkirk - Empire City) at Terminal Yard

PC Train VN-4 with some run thru power has come over the Cornelius Vanderbilt Bridge into Bedford NY and is now heading towards Terminal Yard.
A pair of Fairbanks Morse H16-44s and a Baldwin S12 are one of the yard power sets today. The yard crew awaits the arrival of VN-4 which they can hear coming up the grade behind Hudson Coal.
Train VN-4 arrives at Terminal Yard
A look at the VN-4 consist shows 15 empty coal hoppers from the A.P.R.R. and H.R.C. at the rear of the train.
A block of 57' Mechanical Reefers from California including an S.P.F.E. car from the L.F.N.W.
Four GP30s with a Union Pacific run thru unit are at the power and we can see a multitude of freight cars from the K.P.D, AP.R.R. and L.F.N.W. 
The yard crew has it's switch list and gets to work coupling up to the caboose and pulling the coal hoppers from the rear of the train.
The empty hoppers are placed on track 7 and ready to head out to Hudson Coal as soon as the next Coal Job is called.
The PFE car loaded with oranges from the Citrus Association Packing House in Sunkist, CA on John B's L.F.N.W. has reached the Cold Storage Warehouse. These reefer cars came onto the PC System from the C.N.W. Proviso Yard in Chicago and got to Selkirk via Train NY-2. Maybe that's how that UP GP30 got into the VN-4 consist?
Before working the rest of the train the yard crew picks up an E.B.R.R. caboose from the caboose track.
With the caboose placed on track 2 the yard crew pulls the newly arrived freight cars from VN-4 back thru the yard lead. Careful blocking at Rock Ridge, West Mill and Selkirk are paying big dividends today! There is little for the yard crew to do other than get the train onto the departure track. Four cars from West Mill for the L.I.R.R. make up block one.They'll be interchanged with the L.I.R.R. at North Side Yard.
A five car block from three different layouts for Ralph's Grocery Warehouse in Empire City is the next block. The L.F.N.W. 50' boxcar has traveled almost 3,000 miles!
Empty PC gondola 288673 will be spotted at Gervais Pipe & Fitting. Three loaded PC covered hoppers from the A.P.R.R.will go to Empire City Cargill along with the Cargill covered hopper from Empire Grain on the K.P.D.
The long lost caterpillar excavator is on it's way back to Empire City Caterpillar after an extended stay at or near Sal's Salvage on the K.P.D. Word is Sal was very reluctant to return this equipment. The NYC boxcar will be going to Drywell Inks with new 55 gallon drums from K.P. Steel and the two BM 50' RBL's are headed for Superior Furniture with new glass and mirrors from Corning Glass.
An Empire Belt RR caboose will bring up the markers on this train that will head out to North Side Yard tomorrow.
With the freight cars pulled from it VN-4's power now makes it's way into the engine terminal.
 And ties up on track 2.
 Next installment we'll call out the Coal Job
Thanks for reading and watching!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill
    To: HRC
    To: LFNW

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement - Arrival of PC Train VN-4 ( Selkirk - Empire City) at Terminal Yard

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Wow! Talk about a long train move! Lot's of action going on. The pictures and video of Terminal Yard look very impressive. Lots for revenue should be filling up the coffers of the N.Y.C.T.L. for sure.

    Let the management of both A.P.R.R & K.P.D. know about the damage to the P&LE freight car and we'll see who is responsible for the repair. Reports confirm that it left Weehawken and thru the track detector at C.P.5 with no issues.

    1. So far the N.Y.C.T.L. and Terminal Yard seem to be up to the challenge. P&LE damage noted at CP 132 just outside of Selkirk.

  2. To: Terminal Yard, HRC, A.P.R.R., LFNW
    From: West Mill
    Acknowledge the arrival of PC Train VN-4 ( Selkirk - Empire City) at Terminal Yard.
    West Mill Out.

    That is a loooooonnnnngggg train! Gld Terminal Yard could accommodate it. The facade building flats nicely complete the scene. I liked the platform vantage point on the first video! Nice surprise to see the UP unit. Some blocking in advance at other yards should help expedite delivery of all cars but you do have your work cut out for you!!! Looking forward to it!

    1. Thanks Ralph! The blocking at West Mill is paying big dividends and expediting the handling of the inbound freight cars. The run thru UP unit is a shout out to John B and I got the idea from the Emery Gulash PC videos.

  3. This was one big train ! Awesome video coming thru Beford. I guess with all this new business for coal and goods from California you needed to lease some equipment from UP. Sorry to hear about the damage but it does happen once in awhile. I always enjoy the great angles you get when shooting videos and pics. Very well done.

    1. Thanks Double E! The UP engine is run thru power that I saw in an PC video. A good way to acknowledge John B's LA based operations. As for the P&LE car there is a backstory for the reported damage. The story is I do not own that car! So I needed to remove it from the consist.
