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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas from the N.Y.C.T.L.!

Merry Christmas to All !!!!
From the 1/87th scale trainmen of the N.Y.C.T.L.!!!
Before the guys departed for their Christmas vacations a few trains needed to be run to keep the 1/87th scale shippers, manufacturers, utilities and consumers supplied thru the New Year. 

Lets take a look at some of the last revenue runs of 2017.

From our last installment we saw Train NV-3 (Terminal Yard to Selkirk) sitting on Track 8 waiting for clearance to depart Terminal Yard with a familiar jade green sleeve visible in the window. Is that 1/87th scale PC Ralph at the throttle? You know it is!
1/87th scale PC Ralph is in command of a pair of Empire Belt GP30s, a Penn Central F7A, a New York Central F7B and F7A that make up this five engine consist. In the background we still have a lot more coal to get shipped out.
NV-3 leaves Terminal Yard
Rolling thru Bedford NY a rail fan captures NV-3 from the Deegan Expressway overpass. 

See on youtube: S8Oykix1rgA&                                                          
As for all that coal, a Coal Train Extra was called shortly after NV-3 left. 1/87th scale Engineer Ed got the call and is at the throttle of a pair of Empire Belt U33Cs and a PC U33C. The train known as Extra 6574 West departs Terminal Yard. 
Heading downhill towards Hudson Coal. 6557 is the only U Boat to wear the red P. 
Another consist rattling the windows of Bedford!  
1/87th scale Bedford Tower Operator John B. gives the high ball and Christmas greetings to Double E.  
E.B.R.R. caboose 1604 brings up the rear. 
Local rail fans caught the coal train coming around the curve at T&R Gravel.                                                                                           

See on youtube

9,900 horsepower and 18 powered axles pull the loaded coal train up and over the High Line.
Now Crossing the Empire City viaduct 
Coming around the West Side with wheel flanges squealing!
Merry Christmas to All!!

Next installment we'll wrap up 2017 with a review of the layout projects from 2017.

Thanks for reading and watching!!


  1. Nice way to wrap up 2017! First time I saw those coal hoppers in what looks like a silver gray paint scheme on the N.Y.C.T.L. Great videos as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks 1:1 Sir Neal!!! The PC Hoppers are aluminum bathtub type released by Atlas several years ago. One of the few time I preordered.

  2. Great wrap up to 2017. I really liked seeing those silver colored hoppers. Nice to see coal is still a major revenue generator on the NYCTL. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to the NYCTL gang.

    1. Thanks 1:1 Engineer Ed! I'm going to have to show these aluminum fantasy paint PC hoppers more often. I really like them as well. Happy New Year to the H.R.C. and the Double E Skillet Licking Jug Band members!

  3. Happy Holiday's and Merry Christmas to all of the 1:1 and 1:87th members of the NYCTL!!! Agree those Atlas PC hoppers look sharp!

    1. Thanks Brian! That's three likes for the PC aluminum hoppers! Gonna have to feature these what if cars a little more!
