Blog Roll

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

P.C.C.M. 40M

Greetings All,

P.C.C.M. 40M starts just outside North Side Yard at Hohman Ave with the Empire Belt GP9ms coming out of the the yard and crossing Hohman Ave to get started on the freight cars recently left by EC-1.

1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal is at the helm of the E.B.R.R. power and he gets a friendly wave from Hohman Ave Tower Operator 1/87th scale Larry D.
The E.B.R.R. engines have crossed over to the industrial lead and are coupling up to the freight cars brought in by EC-1
1/87th scale Conductor John has connected the air hoses and is checking his watch to guesstimate how long it will take for the engine to pump up enough air pressure to release the trains brakes. He's hoping it's less than 15 minutes so he doesn't get another grade crossing ticket. 
1/87th scale conductor John is on the rear platform of the caboose protecting the shove move back into North Side Yard. In the past the Empire Belt pulled the cars off the main and shoved into the yard via Hohman Ave. With pooled cabooses agreement a lot of switching has been eliminated and the operation at N.S.Y. streamlined.
With the cars and caboose from EC-1 in the yard 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal has run the power back around and entered the yard via Hohman Ave. Below 1/87th scale Sir Neal and conductor John go over the switch list and form a game plan.
The first move is cutting the cars for the L.I.R.R. from the cars for Empire City. 
With that accomplished the next stop is the Gervais / Ralph's Grocery Warehouse siding. Here we are shoving into the siding to pull cars from both Gervais Pipe & Fitting and Ralph's Grocery Warehouse.
With the outbound cars out of the way the crew spots BM 105 at Ralph's Grocery Warehouse. BM 105 is loaded with baked goods from the Freihofers New Jersey bakery served by the A.P.R.R. This car originated at the A.P.R.R.s Rock Ridge Yard.
With the work on the east side done the E.B.R.R. heads west towards midtown. NYC covered hopper 892010 sitting loaded at Red Wing Milling to the right will be picked up as part of an intra-layout move. The car will head back to Terminal Yard and eventually be forwarded to Empire Grain on Ralph's K.P.D. layout.
With the siding cleared the E.B.R.R. shoves a tired and worn Caterpillar excavator from Sal's Salvage on a Penn Central depressed center flat towards Empire City Caterpillar under the loading canopy of Red Wing Milling. The DC flat allows this piece of equipment to reach Caterpillar via this this shove move. 
The excavator arrives with no pieces of the Red Wing Milling canopy hanging off it. The equipment will be overhauled here and sent back to Sal's Salvage as soon as it's ready.
The midtown work done the E.B.R.R. heads over to service the West Side industries.
The train is cut to keep Hohman Ave open.
But not for long as the E.B.R.R shoves back into the Drywell Inks siding to pull these freight cars
and spot TP&W 627 loaded with new 55 gallon drums from KP Steel in Kingsport NY at Drywell Inks.
 Next move is to spot GM&O 21129 at Walsh Steel Wool Products. The boxcar is loaded with drums of cutting oil from Gulf Oil's Kings Port NY facility. 
The E.B.R.R. engines are now shoving NYC 50' boxcar 80779 thru the West Side reverse curve towards the Superior Furniture / Reliable Machine Works siding while an N.Y.C.T.L. signal maintainer poses for the camera.
Senior Engineer 1/87th scale Sir Neal continues to fearlessly run his engines under Superior Furniture much to the consternation of 1/87th scale Conductor John who wants him to use some buffer cars to reach under the factory to Reliable Machine. Who are you Willie Cicci with the buffers replies Sir Neal. And by the way it's spacer cars. Whatever... 
1/87th  scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal and his GP9ms emerge from under Superior Furniture, cross Hohman Ave and spot NYC 80779 loaded with machine parts from Quality Fabrications in Bloomberg NY.  
The E.B.R.R. engines run back to the south side to reconnect with  their train.
The switching work done 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal takes the scenic route back to North Side Yard. 
That's it or today. Two more installments to go. Next the E.B.R.R. will run a transfer train from North Side Yard to Terminal Yard, we'll run our Bedford Local and catch up with the Coal Job.
Thanks for reading! 


  1. To: Terminal yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement of local freight moves from EC-1 and freight from North Side Yard.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

  2. Nice work with the local train! Lot's of freight action. I guess 1/87 Senior Engineer has a 'take no prisoner' attitude with his crew. Wonder where he got that from?

    1. Thanks for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal! As for 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal.. whatever...:>)

  3. Another great ops. Lots of cool photo shots but I especially liked the shot entering the reverse loop. IMO, that is this sessions's money shot. Nice job.

  4. This is an outstanding installment with the railroad action, the photo quality, the references to interesting peripheral railroad issues like grade crossing tickets, pooled caboose agreements,signal maintainers, and spacer cars. Nice Godfather II reference about the"buffers" by the way! All in all a great post!

    1. Thanks for compliments Ralph!!! Glad you caught and enjoyed the peripheral issues that were included. I knew you'd catch the Godfather reference! I even thru in a couple of Ralph Island photobombs to keep you on your toes!
