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Thursday, October 19, 2017

P.C.C.M. 40-O The wrap up!

Greetings All,

This is it! The long awaited final installment of the three layout P.C.C.M. 40 series. This series originated on 1:1 Sir Neal's A.P.R.R. layout with PC Train WV-2 leaving Weehawken heading up the River Line to West Mill on Ralph's K.P.D. layout. Ralph then sent WV-2 towards it's ultimate destination of Selkirk where 24 freight cars from those two layouts were made into PC Train VN-4 that ran the cars to the N.Y.C.T.L. For model railroad fans some binge reading might prove enjoyable.

We open up P.C.C.M. 40-O with 1/87th scale PC Ralph at the throttle of this pair of NYC GP9s pulling the Bedford Local thru Empire City's west side reverse curve as part of their turn to head back to Terminal Yard.

Rolling back thru Bedford The Local meets the Coal Job coming out of Terminal Yard.
With the Coal Job in the clear the Bedford Local heads towards Terminal Yard to complete their trip.
1/87th scale AT JOE rides the platform as the Bedford Local rolls thru Terminal Yard on track 6 passing PC 229036 and L.F.&N.W. #160. The L.F.&N.W. is the home road of 1:1 scale John Bruce who's 1/87th scale alter ego mans Bedford Tower. With the per diem I'm paying him I think he just bought another railroad or at least a vacation home! I'll be sending it back his way on the next P.C.C.M. that originates on the N.Y.C.T.L.  
The Coal Job now has their work window and gets busy pulling  the loaded coal hoppers from Hudson Coal. Note the position of the caboose.
The three RS2s are hard at work pulling the loaded cars out of Hudson Coal. The engines are P-1000 models. I painted the PC units and weathered the NH unit. 
The last of the loaded hoppers head out of Hudson Coal
The loads are spotted on track 3 as the Coal Job crew prepares to uncouple from the caboose and work with the empties. There's that caboose again...
The empty hoppers have been shoved into Hudson and spotted as the coal cycle gets ready to resume once again. 
The Coal Job power has coupled up to the loaded hoppers on track 3 and is building air pressure. Where's the caboose? On the rear of the train! These guys are good.
Back at Terminal Yard 1/87th scale Senior Engineer Sir Neal and conductor John prepare to depart caboose lite for North Side Yard.  
The E.B.R.R. meets the Coal Job holding on track 3 in Bedford NY
Once at North Side Yard the guys tie down their train on track 1 and wait for the L.I.R.R. transfer run to arrive.
They won't have long to wait as the L.I.R.R. is coming thru Bedford right behind them with the Coal Job still held on track 3. Those Coal Job guys might be good but it's often a fact of life that coal trains take the siding and wait for other trains to pass them.
Coal hoppers and ALCOs make for a good rail fan photo op!
The L.I.R.R. rounds the Bedford Curve and heads up to the Cornelius Vanderbilt Memorial Bridge.
The L.I.R.R. transfer arrives at North Side Yard via Hohman Ave.
The L.I.R.R. has dropped their train on track 2 and is now running out of NS Yard via the east side entrance. 
The L.I.R.R Alcos couple up to the Morton Salt hopper and the rest of the cars being interchanged today. They'll shove the train back to get their caboose on track 2 before heading out.
The L.I.R.R. leaving town passing Walsh's Steel Wool Products.
The L.I.R.R. train crosses the High Line and heads for the Cornelius Vanderbilt Memorial Bridge. The block from Rock Ridge includes Tropicana / USLX 13068 loaded with Tropicana products for the A&P distribution center in Garden City NY, AP 60382 and 60394 heading for Pilgrim State Hospital in Brentwood NY loaded with baked good from Freihofer's NJ bakery and the Morton Salt covered hopper /ACFX 62004 loaded with salt and headed for the Ronzoni plant in Long Island City. 
The block from West Mill includes PC 104478 headed for Lombo Concrete in Huntington NY loaded with cement flux from Gern Industries, P&LE 35892 headed to Sunshine Biscuits in Long Island City with packaging materials from Canton Box and the two gondolas, KP&W 2140 and MCRR 350623, headed for Mid Island Steel in Medford NY loaded with steel slabs from Kings Port Steel.
Ahead of the L.I.R.R. train is another set of Alcos. The Coal Job is climbing the grade behind Hudson Coal towards Terminal Yard and encounters a hunter with a deer slung over his shoulder making his way thru the wooded area.
Black Pennsylvania, Penn Central, P&LE, Empire Belt and Kings Port & Western coal hoppers as far as the eyes can see! So much better than the colorful circus of coal hoppers that made up my roster only a year ago.
The loaded coal hoppers roll thru the weigh in motion scale on track 9 after arriving at Terminal Yard.
With the Coal Job out of the way and clear track ahead the L.I.R.R. freight train heads for points east and that does it for the P.C.C.M. 40 series.
Put it in the books!
Thanks for reading!


  1. Another great ops! Nice to see the LIRR ALCOs out and about generating revenue. Nice job with the ballast over at Hudson Coal. It looks quite real. I really liked the shot of PC Ralph going thru the reverse curve with those NYC GP9s.

    1. Thanks E.E.! The LI Alcos were indeed earning revenue. The reverse curve does make for a nice photo op. Thanks for taking the time to follow the P.C.C.M. 40 saga!

  2. Nice job wrapping up this series John! ALCOS everywhere, scads of black coal hoppers, the addition of John B.'s railroad, the delivery of all cars on the Dispatch Sheet, nicely done!!!

  3. Great job on bringing it home John! I must admit, the best pic I saw and enjoyed the most was the string of black hopper cars at Hudson Coal. Very, very impressive!

    1. Thanks 1:1 Sir Neal!!! I liked the photos of the coal cars at Hudson Coal so much I got them into two pictures this round!
