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Saturday, September 2, 2017

P.C.C.M. 39C

Greetings All,

Today we'll wrap up the origination portion of this virtual ops on my N.Y.C.T.L. layout as Terminal Yard dispatches trains to Ralph's Kings Port Division (K.P.D.) and 1:1 Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR (A.P.R.R.).

The action is heavy and the train moves many. So sit back and enjoy the largest amount of rail traffic dispatched in the virtual ops from Terminal Yard to date. We'll focus on the five trains used to accomplish this using actual train IDs from the NYC and PC along with the freelanced BP-12. 

To:        Kings Port Division West Mill
             Atlantic Pacific RR Rock Ridge Yard
From:   Terminal Yard
Subect: Dispatch of Trains BF-1, BP-41/BP-12, SLX-1, NV-3, LI-1

It's 8:00 PM and Train BF-1 with engines 2875, 2858,2857 and Caboose 18401 is leaving Terminal Yard for East St Louis with Flexi-Vans, T.O.F.C. and Detroit / Buffalo merchandise.
Below we see an E.B.R.R. T.O.F.C and the white 28's Cooper -Jarrett T.O.F.C. that will eventually make their way to Williams Yard on Ralph's Kings Port Division.
It's shortly after 12:25 AM and Train SV-1 with engines 8038, 8024 and 7692 and caboose 5023 has left Terminal Yard for Chicago with auto racks, flexi vans and TOFC traffic.
Loaded auto racks on the head end of SV-1 approach Empire City Station behind the three engine lash up. Alright this train was gratuitous. It was in the schedule and I wanted to watch it run! 
1/87th scale PC Ralph and his conductor / brakeman get ready to head over to their engine parked in the yard. It's just after midnight and Train BP-41 with engine 2415 and caboose 21505 will originate here at Bedford Park Yard and terminate at Terminal Yard. This train returns to Bedford Park as Train BP-12. 
Engine 2415 has pulled Rock Island boxcar 35062 from American Hardware Supply loaded with bulk hardware for Quality Fabrications in Bloomberg NY. 
BP-41 has shoved into the Ford Plant's steel track to pull these empty steel coil coaches that are headed back to Kings Port Steel. 
Next move is pulling the empty Freon tank car. This mornings workload is heavy with about 10 cars being moved thru forward and trailing switch moves. 1/87th scale PC Ralph is up to the task as he has honed his skills working the tight and tough environs of Bedford Park Yard and it's industries.
BP-41 has run around the pulled freight cars and is using the empty UP auto parts boxcar from BP Yard as a buffer car between the tank car and engine.
BP-41 pulls these three 60' empty auto parts cars from the Ford Plant. They are headed back to ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY
Last but not least these two auto racks with the finished products from the Ford Plant are ready to head to dealerships. 
BP-41 with six cars for the Kings Port Division's West Mill Yard stretches out thru Bedford NY as it makes it's way to Terminal Yard
1/87th scale PC Ralph has ALCO C-424 #2415 in notch 8 has he rumbles thru Bedford. This is one of my favorite engines and trains. The Atlas / Kato yellow box engine runs so smooth and easily handles all freight cars coming in and out of Bedford Park. 
BP-41's arrival is recorded by the Kar Track reader at Terminal Yard.
A short time later 1/87th scale PC Ralph is returning back to Bedford Park with his ALCO running long hood forward. The train is now known as BP-12 and consists of loaded auto parts boxcars and empty auto racks.
Back at Terminal Yard the switch crew is once again hard at work. A block of trains from BP-41 sitting on track 1 needs to get sorted into the cars for the Kings Port Division.
The K.P.D. blocks have been reworked as the three NYC boxcars are now at the tail end with two B&M cars, EL car and the PC TOC auto parts car. These cars, plus two more, will be interchanged with the Kings Port & Western RR at West Mill. The A.P.R.R. block has the six coal cars at the rear behind those good looking white 50' A.P.R.R. RBL's. 1:1 Sir Neal doesn't like dirty freight cars and the N.Y.C.T.L. aims to please.  
Looking at tracks 4 and 5 we see the freight cars for the Kings Port Division has doubled over. The four coil coaches for Kings Port Steel will be on the head end of the train. Track 7 is maxed out with the A.P.R.R. cars.
It's shortly before 2:00 AM and Train NV-3 with engines 2103, 6107, 6109 and caboose 21514 is almost ready for it's 2:00 AM departure. The train originates at Terminal Yard and terminates at Selkirk. It's consist will be 18 cars destined for West Mill NY.
 NV-3 throttles up thru Bedford NY. The Kings Port NY block is on the head end.
The TPFX boxcar is the end of the Kings Port block. The depressed center flat is the only car for the city of West Mill NY and the Rock Island car starts the Kings Port & Western RR block.
The KP&W will be busy with ten cars headed their way! 
Next stop Selkirk!
It's 4:00 AM and Train LI-1 is leaving Terminal Yard for Selkirk behind engines 3007, 2228 and 2232 with caboose 18418. This train also terminates at Selkirk and carries 15 cars for the Atlantic Pacific RR. The PC's Kings Port Division will move the cars down the River Line from Selkirk to Weehawken where they will be interchanged with the A.P.R.R.
LI-1 is on the move thru Bedford NY with the first covered hopper heading to Morton Salt and four covered hoppers heading towards the large Cargill Facility that are served by the A.P.R.R. on the head end.
A trio of loaded AP 50' RBLs with two cars headed for C&P Restaurant Supply, one for Mike's Lumber and an empty Tropicana RBL for the Tropicana Plant make up the middle of LI-1.
Six loaded coal hoppers for the R.M.O. Electric Power Plant make up the final block of LI-1. R.M.O. Electric has recently upped their rail car capacity and entered into a long term contract with Hudson Coal to provide the coal needed to power the plant. A win-win for all!
Next Stop Selkirk!
That's it for the origination portion of P.C.C.M. 39! The action will continue on Ralph's Kings Port Division layout and 1:1 Sir Neal will close it out on his Atlantic Pacific Railroad layout.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the action play out on both Ralph's and Neal's layouts. This is the first three layout P.C.C.M. that features this many railroads, freight cars, industries and train moves. It's gonna be a blast!  

Thanks for reading!!!


  1. To: Terminal Yard Atlantic Pacific RR Rock Ridge Yard
    From: Kings Port Division West Mill
    Subject: Acknowledge the dispatch of Trains BF-1, BP-41/BP-12, SLX-1, NV-3, LI-1

    Cars from NV-3 are expected to arrive at West Mill on VW-1`tomorrow. Cars from LI-1 for Weehawken are also expected to pass through West Mill tomorrow on Extra run to Weehawken from Selkirk.

    West Mill Out!

    Nice work on all dispatched trains including the gratuitous but enjoyable autoracks!

    West Mill is preparing to take it from here.

  2. Roger that...

    Thanks Ralph! Looking forward to seeing the action on the K.P.D.

  3. Lots of cool action! I'm a huge fan of the C424 and the GP20's. Ralph and Neal are going to have their hands full with all of that traffic headed their way. 😊

    1. Thanks Brian! You know those engines are among my favorites as well! Ralph and Neal might have to work overtime!
