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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bedford Park Yard Office and Employee Lot Upgraded.

Greetings All,

The latest scenery upgrade to the N.Y.C.T.L. is the Bedford Park Yard office and employee parking lot. This comes on the heels of Bedford Park getting a scenery upgrade a few weeks ago.

Let's take a look at the history and the project;

Here is American Hardware Supply and the area that would become Bedford Park back in 2013.

Same area in P.C.C.M. 22B in November 2016. Bedford Park Yard is in but the yard office and parking lot are being used for trailer parking. At least the plywood is painted! 
Here we are in the most recent P.C.C.M., #39 in early September 2017.
After the recent Bedford Park Yard scenery upgrade in early September 2017 right after P.C.C.M. 39.
And now with the Bedford Park Yard office and employee parking lot upgrade with better scenery, people and 'stuff'.
Some figures bring the scene to life.
The yard master checks on 1/87th scale Muscles Marinara who's enjoying a cold soda on yet another break. The stand to the right is for air hoses.
 Coupler Toss! Garbage sack toss! Two RR workers 'working'
1/87th scale PC Ralph and his trusty brakeman/conductor mull over the new lot and personnel. A 1972 Ford Pinto station wagon is parked by PC Ralph's jade green corvette.
Some additional work to the Bedford Park Yard area includes new advertising from All-City Storage's best customer, Peerless Appliance. 
The big tank has been relocated to ground level and new cars are parked awaiting local transport from the Ford Plant.
The view as you enter the room from the right side door. Much better!
There was still something missing...Signs!!!
 Now everyone knows that this is Bedford Park Yard.
Wait, that's better!
Thanks for reading!


  1. Some nice looking scenery and signage! It brings the areas to life. I hope the worker on he car is a lightweight. I would hate to see the indentations on that car! Lookin' good Sir John!

    1. Thanks for the compliments 1:1 Sir Neal! The worker is actually standing on a ladder partially obscured by the shrubbery.

  2. Really inspiring for me to get going and spruce things up!

    1. Thanks John! The inspiration works both ways. Your facade layout was part of the inspiration for work at my Terminal Yard which I'll be posting next.

  3. Wow, some fantastic detail work that really makes the whole area pop! You pulled off a bunch of neat details between the signage, yard workers and scenery. My favorite detail is the guy sitting on the billboard on top of the building. As others have said, inspiration to make me try my hand at the details. Thanks

    1. Thanks Ed! We'll put it thru the operational paces on our next get together!

  4. Really nice updates and details to the layout. I agree with everyone, inspiring handiwork!!!
