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Sunday, June 18, 2017

P.C.C.M. 36C / Bedford Park Turn Part 1

Greetings All,

We're moving right along with the P.C.C.M. 36 series and today we'll look at P.C.C.M. 36C and focus in on part 1 of the Bedford Park Turn. So without further adieu;

To: West Mill / Rock Ridge
From: Bedford Park Yard

Bedford Park Turn part 1

Last installment, P.C.C.M. 36B, we noted 1/87th scale PC Ralph and his trusty conductor / brakeman had reported for duty on time at 12:00 AM at Bedford Park Yard and were giving their assigned motive power the once over.
In the near distance we noted Train SV-1 (Chicago - Empire City) making it's way over the High Line while heading towards Terminal Yard.
After inspecting their engine, ALCO C424 #2415, the one and only, 1/87th scale PC Ralph and his conductor get right to work pulling the empty NYC double door boxcars from All-City Storage. 
With the empties in tow the Bedford Park Train, TrainBP-12, heads towards the Ford Plant to pull empty NYC 86' boxcar # 67086 and empty 50' RBL AP# 60358.
With cars from Ford pulled BP-12 is reassembled and ready to proceed to Terminal Yard.
With SV-1 clear Bedford Tower Operator 1/87th scale John B gives BP-12 the signal to proceed. 
BP-12 makes it way towards Terminal Yard. We'll keep an eye on the three NYC 50' double door boxcars in upcoming installments. The trio has had their routes modified by the Rail Traffic Management Form AKA- the R.T.M.F.
BP-12 arrives on track 8 as we see the tail end of train SV-1 on track 1.The trio of NYC boxcars will enjoy a little more layout time instead of hitting the virtual ops box.
With BP-12 safely tucked away in track 8 the Terminal Yard Switcher gets busy pulling the caboose off Train SV-1 on track 1
With the caboose out of the way the Terminal Yard switcher shoves Rock Island 50' boxcar #35062 into track 1 as this will be train BP-41 the return leg of the Bedford Park Turn. The Rock Island car is going to American Hardware as an empty car request courtesy of the Rail Traffic Management Form (R.T.M.F.) and Ralph's car routing prowess. Prior to the R.T.M.F. this car would be in the virtual ops box.
1/87th scale PC Ralph's ALCO is now in the clear as we can see the Terminal Yard switcher in the background working the inbound cars from Bedford Park.  
1/87th scale PC Ralph has coupled up to the auto racks and auto parts cars brought in on Train SV-1 which will now be outbound train BP-41. But not so fast! Train NV-3 (Empire City to Selkirk) will be first out of the yard.
Train NV-3 threads it's way out of Terminal Yard past train BP-41 that is scheduled to leave shortly thereafter.
That's it for today. Tomorrow we'll take a look at the Bedford Park Turn Part 2.
Thanks for reading!


  1. To: Terminal Yard
    To: West Mill

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement of Bedford Park Turn part 1

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    PC 2415 with the cut of NYC box cars looks very imrpessive. Almost seems a little nostalgic.

    And I still like the auto rack train!!

    Thanks for the update!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very cool shot of the auto rack train going over the High Line. The Bedford Tower Operator wave by shot is always a favorite of mine.

    The new R.T.M.F process is clearly a big aid to the operations between the railroads. It should really make operations easier with the addition of the A.P.P.R once they get back in operation gets on board.

    Who knows that one day we might see some Hoschton Railway Co. (HRC) equipment on the R.T.F.M roster.

    1. Thanks Double E!!

      I hear HRC rolling stock is being released from the paint shop soon and will be an eye catching addition to the action!

  4. To: Terminal Yard/ Rock Ridge
    From: West Mill

    Acknowledge the movements of the Bedford Park Turn part 1

    West Mill out.

    My eye was attracted to all of the NYC ovals on the string of cars on return trip! Gotta say I enjoy having my 1/87th namesake be lucky enough to take on the only ALCO C424. He's a railfan but don't let the other guys know they work with a "foamer". Love all the action at Terminal Yard. Big time power on the head end of NV-3!!!!

    1. Thanks Ralph!!! 1/87th scale PC Ralph's secret will stay with us!

  5. Agree with a Ralph, a nice looking trio of GE power at the front of NV-3. 1/87 PC Ralph did a nice job handling his C424 on the Bedford Park run. I wonder what 1/87 Mrs. PC Ralph thinks of his nocturnal schedule?
    I'm digging the Chicago connection on the back of SV-1. The Chinese red hi cube and 50 footer with the "speed " lettering are both instant favorites! Good looking trains all in all!

    1. Thanks Brian!!
      I think Mrs 1/87th scale PC Ralph is none to pleased with the hours PC Ralph works and is waiting patiently for him to gain enough seniority to bid on a job with better hours.
      Thanks for the compliments!
