Blog Roll

Thursday, April 13, 2017

P.C.C.M. 33D / Dispatch of train EC-3

Greetings All,

Today we'll focus our attention on train EC-3, the afternoon Empire City Turn. As the virtual ops have grown in scope over the last year the train schedule on the New York Central Train Layout has also changed to meet the demands of shippers and interchange partners. 

Case in point are the Empire City Turns. Originally a once a day local originating at Terminal Yard that worked industries in Bedford and Empire City the train schedule has been altered for a morning and afternoon Empire City Turn and streamlined with only a few local industries to work in Bedford while going to and from North Side Yard on it's scheduled transfer runs.

The former NSY or North Side Yard transfer trains originating at North Side Yard have been annulled.  The heavy workload in Empire City dictates a full time crew stationed there to handle the switching duties of the industries located within Empire City limits.

In the past my freelanced Empire Belt RR performed the Empire City duties and ran transfer trains to Terminal Yard. But with no motive power or rolling stock of their own their corporate identity was a big non factor to the action. I'm hoping to rectify that down the road and we may see the Empire Belt ride again soon!

So with the housekeeping done let's check out the action;

1/87th scale Engineer Ed has the EC-3 job today. Double E waits for the hostler to get his engines in place. Today's EC-3 is quite colorful by Penn Central standards. A red P GP-30, standard white PC GP-30 and an orange C GP-40  are today's power.  
Double E was pleased to get this job as it usually has several late model engines for motive power. With the limited stops E.E. has been known to open them up when he gets a chance to high ball thru the straight tracks at Bedford NY. EC-3 leaves Terminal Yard and it's departure is recorded on the ACI reader to the right.
EC-3 meets the Coal Job at Bedford NY. The Coal Job is another newly added train needed to meet the demands of ramped up coal production at Hudson Coal
No high balling for now as Double E and his crew pull PC 50' boxcar #229036 from Berk enterprises and several cars from Hostess / Wonder Bread. PC 229036 is loadedwith packaging material for Cavendish Fine Foods & Distillery in Mayfield NY
Next stop for EC-3 is switching out Heileman Brewery
With the Bedford chores complete EC-3 is on the High Line heading towards North Side Yard.
EC-3 hits Hohman Ave and Double E gives the workers at Walsh Steel Wool Products an impressive horn show to let them know the boss is in town.
EC-3 arrives at North Side Yard
With EC-3 tied down on track#2 the 1/87th scale trainmen exchange pleasantries and the North Side yard guys offer their lunch recommendations. 
E.E. and his crew opt for Moriarty's Pub-Restaurant to satisfy their appetites and maybe wet their whistles as well.
With EE and his men at beans the N.S.Y. switch crew get busy
Freight cars including PC 229036 that are heading back to Terminal Yard are shoved into track #1 for the next leg of the Empire City Turn.
The N.S.Y. switch crew has done some preliminary blocking of freight cars as evidenced by the three boxcars going to the Kings Port Division being coupled together.
Now known as Train EC-4 EE has run the engines back to the Hohman Ave side and coupled up to the freight cars on track 1. EC-4 is stopped at Hohman Ave while the train builds air pressure and Double E takes this time to give 1/87th scale Larry D his lunch review.
The NSY crew has tacked on EC-4s caboose and the trainmen get ready to hook up the hoses and disconnect from the BAR car.
EC-4 heads towards the High Line on it's way back to Bedford and Terminal Yard.
Bedford Tower operator 1/87th scale John B hand up orders for EC-4.
And we see EC-4 meets the Coal Job again at Bedford after the Coal Job pulled several strings of loaded coal hoppers from Hudson Coal. 
The PC hoppers with their new ACI labels are loaded with coal for Corning Glass Works in Corning NY
Meanwhile EC-4 is climbing the grade to Terminal Yard while the grazing deer don't even raise their heads.
EC-4 arrives at Terminal Yard and it's day is over after they secure the train on track#1 

Thanks for reading!


  1. It's great to see "real" work being done with big loco consists!

  2. Some nice action in and around Empire City. E.E. has access to some good looking road power to get the job done. Looks like some ALCO's managed to escape Mingo Jct. and work the coal run.

    1. EE's consist is about as colorful as the PC can get in freight service. I like the Mingo JCT reference!
