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Saturday, February 20, 2016


Greetings All,

As previously reported I recently purchased the Doc O'Brien Weathering Powders from Micro-Mark. This morning I weathered two New Haven engines to increase their realism. Using the powders and some dry brushing of the fuel tanks, couplers and trucks.

The Doc O'Brien's Weathering Powders

New Haven GP9 and RS2 lead a freight train pre-weathering

Both units have only a dullcote finish at this time

NH GP9 1218 has been weathered along with RS2 0503 

NH 0503 

Both units on upper level in better lighting. 

Subtle but much more distinctive in person 

A close up from another angle picks up more of the weathering on the engines.
All in all I like the way they look. I'll continue to experiment on my rolling stock and other motive power. I also plan to try the powders on structures as well.  That's it for now. Thanks for reading!


  1. The last photo shows it up very well. Did you seal the powder after you applied it? I railfanned the New Haven starting about 1962, then rode it back and forth to school until 1969. I tell you, the equipment by then was YUCCH. There are other possibilities, like adding black PC patches to some orange loco -- but PC is just a little past my time riding the New Haven, so I'd hesitate to do this on my Atlas RS-3s.

    1. You are right on the money about the NH equipment being extremely dirty into the late 60s. From the color photos I've seen of this time period YUCCH is a very accurate description. I did not seal the powders. I'm still teetering on the whole weathering thing and like the option of being able to wash it off.

  2. Great job on the weathering. While I don't weather my models (i'll let the dust accumulate), it takes talent to make it look realistic. Well done John!

    1. Thanks Neal! I like the way they look but may add some grimy black to the GP9.

  3. Both units look like they've seen some service. Nice job!

    1. Thanks Ralph! From what I've seen in pictures the NH units in the late 60's looked like they had certainly seen some service.
