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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Emergency Track Repair

Greetings Blog Followers,

This past week the New York Central Train Layout had to briefly suspend operations due to a bad track joint in Empire City City in front of Mama and Papa's Restaurant and not far from Neal's Lumber and Hardware. The staff at Neal's Lumber heard the train banging over the joint earlier in the day and notified N.Y.C.T.L. management of the problem. Unable to send a track crew N..Y.C.T.L. management informed Neal that they would send a rail contractor over to fix the problem. Rail Contractor! relied Neal. Heck me and my guys know more about laying track than any of your Rail Contractors. The N.Y.C.T.L. quickly assessed Neal and his staff's repair skills and available equipment and hired them on the spot. Rail traffic was stopped and Neal and his men sprang into action

N.Y.C.T.L. newest rail contractors the staff at Neal's Lumber and Hardware. 1/87th scale Neal , in blue coveralls, inspects the bad joint. 

The work begins

With the street safely blocked and all personal protective gear in place our newest rail contractors are hard at work. N.Y.C.T.L. management was quite surprised and very impressed with the amount of track laying equipment Neal and his men had available to them. Train Lifers however were not in the least bit surprised.

The repair has been made and the men begin to take up their equipment

The repair work has drawn the attention of the local Police Precinct commander and an officer on the beat.

N.Y.C.T.L. management has been notified that the rail joint has been repaired and the track is now in service. A Penn Central RS-2 has just traveled over the newly repaired joint to deliver a box car to Neal's Lumber and Hardware. 

A short time later came the big test. A freight train with four engines on the lead, 43 freight cars and a caboose will put the repair to the test. No surprise that everything traveled over the newly repaired joint smoothly


  1. Glad to see the repair went well and as always, Neal's Hardware is always happy to help! That is one long trainset! How many cars were on that run? Inquiring minds want to know!!

  2. Four units at the head end and all of those PC boxcars...liking it!!!!!

  3. Thank you Neal and Ralph! Neal for the record 43 cars and 1 caboose. If you are going to check the track then you gotta check the track!
