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Saturday, May 10, 2014

National Train Day Celebration Part 1

Greetings Blog Followers,

In honor of National Train Day the New York Central Train Layout sponsored an event at Empire City Station to showcase different eras and styles of train travel. Invitations were sent to neighboring railroads and private citizens who wished to participate in this annual event.

Leading off the event was the star of the show in many rail fans opinions, New York Central 4-8-4 Niagra #6005. The locomotive was on the head end of several New York Central passengers cars including the Observation Car "Nassau County" owned by Neal M, CEO of the A.P.R.R. and Neal's Lumber and Hardware.  

Sir Neal's private varnish, "Nassau County" sits on display at Empire City Station for National Train Day 

A two tone gray New York Central coach sits between the "Nassau County" and a New York Central Heavyweight Chair Car

New York Central 4-8-4 #6005

The CSX boxcar was donated by the A.P.R.R. Inside are various supplies, tools and a workshop should the gigantic steamer have any mechanical issues.

NYC #6005 at rest while two IRT subway cars have pulled into Empire City Station on the lower level. The station was tagged overnight by a gang from Coney Island called the Warriors.

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