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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Amtrak Train# 91 / 92 "Silver Star"

Greetings Blog Followers,

As our time warp into the future comes to a close the final installment is Amtrak Train #91 / 92 "Silver Star"
This train has been added to the modern passenger fleet of the New York Central Train Layout and so named for Rick P, or Sir Rick, as he is known on Rick, a South Carolinian, is a fellow modeler and a fan of the Atlantic Coast Line RR. Several of the cars that now make up the consist for the "Silver Star" were purchased from Sir Rick in March 2014 as part of a large purchase of project cars that were in decent shape but needed a bit of work to repair, restore and upgrade.      

The Prototype: Listed in the Amtrak's Atlantic Coast Service time table #91 "Silver Star" travels from Boston, Massachusetts to New York's Penn Station and south through Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and terminates in Miami Florida. Train #92 is the north bound version. Silver Star seems to serve the locales of both of our model railroads. Train #97 /98 "Silver Meteor" which serves many of the same major cities but with different stops in South Carolina may end up the closer train to our layout locales. If so a correction will be announced.

The Models: Four Amtrak phase III Super Liners from ConCor were already on the roster. The purchase from Sir Rick added three additional ConCor Super Liners in phase IV paint, a Material Handling Car in Phase IV and an R.P.O. in phase III. The R.P.O. travels from Boston and is cut off at Empire City. All models received additional weight. The Super Liners received talgo mounted McHenry #53 couplers.

Train # 91 / 92 Motive Power is this pair of GE AMD103s of Genesis Diesels in phase III paint.

AMD 103 # 824 leads the Silver Star into Empire City station under the watchful eye of an Amtrak Police car

Train #91 at the crossing.  

Amtrak Super Liner Deluxe Sleeping Car #32111 "Texas" in Phase IV paint. Note the McHenry #52 couplers. No good! replaced with McHenry #53

The "Texas" has had it's roof repaired and repainted in gray primer. 

Amtrak Material Handling Car # 71151in phase IV paint

The MHC car has received new coupler boxes, Kadee #5 couplers, metal wheel sets and additional weight

Super Liner Dining Car #38042 in phase IV paint. The roof of this car was also repaired and repainted in gray primer. The McHenry #53 couplers have been installed and note the close coupling. 

Super Liner Sightseer Lounge #33025 in phase IV paint. Car to right is utilizing the Kadee adapter kit for these cars. 

 Sleeper cars in phase III and phase IV

Super Liner Dining Car #38042 in phase IV paint

MHC 71141 brings up the rear with an SP Overnight Box Car (Track Cleaner). 


"Silver Star" roars out of Empire City Station on it's way south


  1. What a great train to model! Sir Rick must be happy to see the cars have a great home and some TLC given them. Amtrak should take a lesson!!

  2. I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely loved every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post. train pnr status
