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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Big Blue Hits the Rails

Greetings Blog Followers,

Big Blue has hit the rails! Empire City rail fans were treated to the annual changing of the colors as my Conrail fleet has started to appear. Sharp eyed fans also noted a new freight car being tested as well.

This is the newest addition to the freight car fleet, a 50' Boxcar with double doors. The yellow door signifies that this car is intended for paper service only which is also clearly stated in the yellow box on the car's sides. The car is a Hubert's product and comes with metal wheels riding in Atlas trucks and knuckle couplers. Couplers were mounted at the right height. The wheels however were just a bit tight and derailed going through turnouts. A gray Kadee fiber washer placed between wheel and plastic axle spaced the wheels just right to meet the NMRA wheel gauge. All in all a good looking and nice running car with the minor modifications.

Conrail GP40s lead a freight train over the viaduct into downtown Empire City

Conrail freight rumbles into downtown Empire City

Conrail freight makes it through the east side industrial area.

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