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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Protecting the Shove"

Greetings Blog Followers,

In the prior post we saw Clinchfield Railroad caboose #1064 hooked up to eight custom painted freight cars. As you may recall the CRR 1064 is a replica of the caboose used at the Southeastern Railway Museum that was built and given to me by long time SRM engineer Sam R. The 1064's two main purposes are to accommodate passengers and "Protect the Shove".

The train ride at the SRM is point to point which means that on half the ride the 1064 is the front of the train and the locomotive is shoving the train. In order to safely accomplish this the 1064 is specially fitted with a horn and brake reduction valves on the rear platform. From his perch on the rear platform the conductor "protects the shove" by communicating with the engineer via radio and providing verbal distance clearance that  the locomotive can safely travel. Using it's whistle the 1064 can warn people and cars that the train is coming. By safely following the SRM rules of operation and best railroad practices the train crew safely operates the vintage equipment on the Museum's right of way.

On my layout the 1064 is often called to service to protect the shove as it is the only caboose that I have that is so uniquely equipped, I like the way it looks, it provides good memories and was a very nice gesture for Sam R to present me with it. Even though I mostly model the New York Central and Penn Central Railroads I use some license that the 1064 is on loan from the nearby museum.

Clinchfield 1064 coupled up and ready to go. Note the horn on top of the cupola and the big headlight at the front and rear.

Long view of the 1064

Today's conductor's borrowed from the SRM are Sam and Jordan. Both are qualified as engineers and conductors.

The 1064 in action protecting the shove.

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