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Friday, February 1, 2013

Gotcha !!

Greetings Blog Followers,

The local constabulary were caught having some fun with an Empire City resident who sought relief from an over full bladder outside of a local bar.

 The Empire City Police Department enjoy a humorous moment at the expense of a bar patron who could not wait for the men's room to become unoccupied.

Even the platoon commander got into the act suing the bull horn to use a famous police line "Drop that thing and come out with your hand's up" 

Another bar patron has stumbled out to see what the commotion is all about. Car enthusiasts note the cutting edge Brown Mercury Bobcat. 

Traffic is starting to back up as another E.C.P.D. car arrives on the scene and tractor trailer waits to proceed. 

Employees at Drywell Inks around the corner from the incident work diligently loading up some NYC Pacemaker trucks while a New York Central freight train rumbles by in the background.     

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