Blog Roll

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Greetings Blog Followers,

Happy New Year to All.

Priorities for the layout this year are adding a mountain to one corner, a small yard to the peninsula and realigning some tracks in one of the shelf portion industrial areas.

Priorities for the rolling stock fleet is to continue with the metal wheel and coupler upgrades . This actually started about 8 years ago and continues to this day. At this point there are not many cars left with plastic wheels and couplers.

Priorities for the blog are to learn to work my new camera and keep the posts timely, informative and fun.

Here are some of the last purchases for 2012

 B&O 86' Auto Parts Boxcar

  B&O 86' Auto Parts Boxcar

N&W 86' Auto Parts Boxcar

L&N 86' Auto Parts Boxcar

WSRC 86' Auto Parts Boxcar

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