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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wiring and More

The New York Central Electrical Workers have been hard at work these past two days. After receiving authorization from the purchasing department the hard wiring of the new lower level tracks has begun. The purpose of the lower level is to eliminate some grade crossings for the intercity passenger trains that with serve the city and new station. These trains have a direct connection to the subway system to take passengers to their final destination. Feeder wires and bus wires are in place. Double pole double throw switches have been installed. The structure department built a nice shelf to accommodate three transformers, two for the lower level and and one MRC dual control for the subway system. The paint crew has painted the shelf to match the rest of the layout at this point and we are close to running trains on the lower level. The final hurdle is to solder the feeder wires to the rail and with any luck everything was connected properly.


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