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Friday, June 30, 2023

Penn Central Car Movements #100 Part 4 / The Inbound Cycle Begins

  Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #100!!!
Our four layout virtual with my NYCTL interchanging freight cars with atjoe1972's Ralston Creek RR PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR continues today with the arrival of our inbound trains.

The action starts at Bedford Station with Train SP-10, the first of three inbound trains from Selkirk heading towards Terminal Yard. 
The SP-10 rumbles thru Bedford and arrives at Terminal Yard.
The SP-10 power is an unfamiliar sight in the engine terminal early in the merger as engine hostler Wet Willie admires the arrival of the ex PRR six axle power. The 6557 was the only U Boat to wear the red "P".
Once again Kar Knocker and Big Mike get together to get the caboose removed and the train blue flagged and inspected.
With the inspection complete the Yard Job gets to work on breaking down the SP-10 freight consist.
A large block of empty APRR coal hoppers are shoved into track #6 for later movement to Hudson Coal.
Big Mike gets to work on the high priority TOFC traffic from the KP&W Williams Yard ramp.
The Yard Job works the Terminal Yard TOFC track
The TOFC cars are spotted for offloading.
The Yard Job is working on the remainder of the SP-10 freight consist. The TPFX #5510 is loaded with lumber for University Millwork in Bedford NY and has the honor of being PCCM car #1.
LV boxcar #8247 loaded with Delco batteries is blocked into Train BP-41 for delivery to the Bedford Park Ford Plant.
TPFX #5510 is blocked into train BT-27 for movement to University Millwork.
PC boxcar #360158 loaded with flour from Blue Ribbon Flour and WP boxcar #26846 loaded with sugar from Great Western Sugar are also blocked into Train BT-27 for delivery to the Hostess Plant.
UPFE reefer #458059 is set out for pick up by the 16A crew and movement to Yard A for perishable inspection.
The 16A crew makes its moves.
The 16A spots three empty EBRR 57' reefers at Birdseye for their next PCCM loads.
UPFE 57' reefer #45809 loaded with produce from Denargo Produce in Denver, CO is spotted in Yard A for perishable protection service inspection and refueling prior to being moved to Consolidated Grocery Distributors located in the Terminal Warehouse complex.
With a short lull in the action at Terminal Yard it's time to check in with Robert R working the steel track at the Bedford Park Ford Plant.
Robert has completed his work at the Ford Plant and awaits clearance at Bedford Tower to take Train BP-12 to Terminal Yard.
The BP-12 heads to Terminal Yard
The BP-12 arrives in Terminal Yard. The ex NYC RS11 is doing a good job working Bedford Park and may have found a new home.
The PC trainmen quickly get Train BP-41 ready to depart Terminal Yard with freight cars for the Ford Plant.
Train BP-41 heads to Bedford Park Yard with "shutdown" cars for the Bedford Park Ford Plant.
Robert R is back in Bedford Park delivering a non PCCM car of Kings Port Steel steel coils to the Ford Plant Steel track.
Robert R makes a runaround move to access the Ford Plant's shipping and receiving tracks.
LV boxcar #8247 loaded with Delco batteries is shoved into the Ford Plant siding.
We'll close it out here for today with Robert R tying down his engine and caboose and we thank him for all his years of PCCM service.
We'll pick it up tomorrow back in Terminal Yard starting with the dispatch of the Bedford Turn, Train BT-27.
Be sure to catch all of the PCCM 100 action on Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR, PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and atjoe 1972's Ralston Creek RR

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Penn Central Car Movements #100 Part 3 / Dispatch of Outbound Trains

  Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #100!!!
Our four layout virtual with my NYCTL interchanging freight cars with atjoe1972's Ralston Creek RR PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR continues today with the dispatch of our outbound trains.

Our final outbound moves start with the 16A crew (formerly called the yard A switcher) pulling PC depressed center flatcar #766023 loaded with a transformer and two flatcar spacers from Bruce Electric Equipment for delivery to the Port Owen Con Ed Plant . 
Three APRR covered hoppers get pulled from the Pier 16 Silos loaded with grain for the large Cargill facility in Rock Ridge, NJ.
The 16A heads for Terminal Yard.
EL 57' reefer #5034 gets pulled from Consolidated Grocery Distributors at Terminal Warehouse loaded with frozen foods for ShopRite in Rock Ridge, NJ.
The 16A heads back to Yard A.
Three empty PC covered hoppers are spotted at the Pier 16 Silos for their next PCCM loads.

Three Empty PC boxcars are placed for movement into the Bruce Electric Equipment siding.
Three APRR and three EBRR 57' reefers are shoved into Yard A for perishable protection service inspection and to be made ready for their next PCCM loads. 
The 16A spots the three PC boxcars at Bruce Electric Equipment for their next PCCM loads. The ex NYC FA era with the PC was very brief and I'm imagining that the PC has sent a small number of ex NYC FAs and FBs to work the burgeoning traffic at Yard A and power the 16A.
Over in Terminal Yard three ex NYC GP7s will power today's Mine Run as Train MR-1 prepares to depart Terminal Yard for Hudson Coal and T&R Gravel.
Train MR-1 rolls out of Terminal Yard.
Empty NYC boxcar #47062 and EL boxcar #73510 are pulled down track 1 to access T&R Gravel.
The MR-1 shoves into the T&R Gravel siding to pull four loaded PC PS-2 covered hoppers loaded with locomotive sand for the APRR.
The PC covered hoppers are pulled out of T&R Gravel and will be moved to Hudson Coal for further movement.
The empty NYC and EL boxcars are spotted for their next PCCM loads.
Train MR-1 starts working Hudson Coal and is pulling the loaded hoppers from track #3
Train MR-1 makes the long pull.
The empties are spotted.
The ex NYC GP7s have coupled onto the loaded hoppers and prepare to head back to Terminal Yard as Train MR-2.
Train MR-2 heads back to Terminal Yard.
Train MR-2 arrives in Terminal Yard.
Big Mike and Kar Knocker talk things over as they prepare to work the MR-2 consist as the 16A delivers EL Reefer #5034 from Yard A to Terminal Yard for movement in Train SK-7.
Big Mike pulls three empty Gulf tank cars from the tank car track for movement back to Gulf in West Mill, NY via Train SK-5.
With the classifications and blocking  done and it's time to dispatch our outbound trains. The SK-5 is ready to go.
The SK-5 departs Terminal Yard.
SK-5 gets a highball at Bedford Tower. Next stop Selkirk!!!
Thirty minutes later Train SK-7 is ready to depart for Selkirk.
Train SK-7 is on the move.
The SK-7 rolls past Bedford Tower. Next stop Selkirk!
Our last PCCM outbound train is Extra 2228 West with a large transformer for the Con Edison Power Plant in Port Owen, NY. Below it gets a final inspection before departing. 
Extra 2228W eases out of Terminal Yard.
Extra 2228 West gets a roll by inspection as it passes Bedford Tower. So far so good!!! Next stop Selkirk!!!
This closes out the outbound portion of the virtual ops on my layout. We'll reconvene next Friday and start getting the inbound traffic moving towards its consignees and interchanges.

Be sure to catch all of the PCCM 100 action on Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR, PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and atjoe 1972's Ralston Creek RR

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you Friday!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Penn Central Car Movements #100 Part 2 / Spending the day in Empire City

 Greetings All,

Welcome back to Penn Central Car Movements #100!!!

Our four layout virtual with my NYCTL interchanging freight cars with atjoe1972's Ralston Creek RR PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR continues today as we'll spend the day with the Empire Belt RR.

We open up today at North Side Yard in Empire City with the EBRR trainmen having their safety briefing with an EBRR covered hopper in the background showing a PC herald that was applied in February 1968 when the New York Central subsidiary became a Penn Central subsidiary.
After getting the yard in order Senior engineer Sir Neal and conductor John will run today's Belt Job with the GP18-FB1-GP18 lash up. PC Ralph and brakeman Rocky will handle the yard duties.
The Belt Job moves onto the Belt Line.
First stop is Empire City Cargill to pull the Cargill covered hopper loaded with wheat flour for Blue Ribbon Flour in Kings Port NY. The two empty EBRR covered hoppers will placed here for their next PCCM loads
Now working Gervais Pipe & Fitting the Belt Job pulls out three empty coil coaches that are going back to Kings Port Steel for their next PCCM loads and PC gondola #288673 loaded with pipe for the Hudson Valley Agriculture Co-Op (HVAC).
Next we catch three empty PC RBLS and an empty NYC boxcar still in the Early Bird paint scheme get pulled from the Ralph's Grocery Warehouse siding for their next PCCM loads.
With the long shared siding now clear a pair of gondolas, MCRR #350623 and KPW #2140, are placed at Gervais Pipe for their next PCCM loads.
The Belt Job starts working the Midtown industries and pulls empty boxcars EL #73510 and NYC #47062 from Neal's Hardware for their next PCCM loadings.
Two reefers of produce get pulled from Empire Produce. BAR #7574 will be heading to C&P Restaurant Supply and NPM #473 will be going to ShopRite. Both are located in Rock Ridge, NJ.
Empty NYC covered hopper #892010 is spotted at Red Wing Milling for its next PCCM load.
An aerial view from the highway overpass gives us a good look at North Side Yard. The Belt Job getting ready to head west and 1:87 Emery is perched in his favorite spot capturing the action.
The Belt Job heads west.
First stop on the west side is Superior Furniture to pull GN boxcar #3630 loaded with furniture for American Furniture in Denver, CO and a non PCCM D&H boxcar also loaded with furniture for a Canadian consignee.
Penn Central boxcar #360063 gets pulled from Reliable Machine Company loaded with a cutting machine for Canton Box in West Mill, NY as the empty PC RBLs look on.
The Belt Job continues working the west side and pulls PC boxcar #77047 from Moore & Company loaded with burlap bags for Hedberg Aggregates in Mount Marion, NY.
P&LE boxcar #30890 gets pulled from City Pallet loaded with pallets for the Coors Brewery in Golden, CO.
An old NYC Pacemaker car gets pulled from Drywell Inks loaded with 55 gallon drums of ink for the Catskill Mountain Press in Bloomberg, NY.
EBRR boxcars #416035, #416079 and PC boxcar #360508 get pulled from Walsh Steel Wool Products loaded with steel wool consigned to American Hardware Supply in Rock Ridge, NJ.. With today's switching work complete Senior Engineer Sir Neal has the Belt Job with 21 PCCM cars and12 non PCCM cars back together and ready to head back to North Side Yard or as close to it as he can get. 
The Belt Job heads towards North Side Yard.
To avoid overloading North Side Yard the Belt Job arrives back on the Belt Line where Sir Neal will have enough railroad to work the train with PC Ralph.

Two cars staying in Empire City to fulfill empty car requests are set out for pick up. The rest of the cars on the Belt Job will head to Terminal Yard in train EB-2
Looking from high above Empire City PC Ralph and brakeman Rocky have coupled onto the cars staying local and talk over the next moves with conductor John and Sir Neal.
The empties have been brought back to North Side Yard. The NYC Early Bird boxcar will be cleaned and ready for its next PCCM load.
PC Ralph couples up to eleven PCCM cars that arrived yesterday in LIRR Train MA-3 that need to be moved to Terminal Yard as part of EBRR Train EB-2.
PC Ralph has backed the cars down the main and the two consists are lashed together by brakeman Rocky to power the 42 car EB-2.
The EBRR guys put Train EB-2 together.
Train EB-2 departs Empire City.
The EB-2 rumbles thru Bedford towards Terminal Yard.
Train EB-2 arrives in Terminal Yard.
We'll cut it here for today. After doubling over their train the EBRR guys talk about PCCM 100 with Kar Knocker and Big Mike as they pick up their caboose to head back to North Side Yard.
We'll pick it up tomorrow starting with the 16A crew followed by a Mine Run and close out the outbound portion with the dispatch of the PCCM trains to Selkirk, 
Be sure to catch all of the PCCM 100 action on Sir Neal's Atlantic Pacific RR, PC Ralph's Kings Port Division and atjoe 1972's Ralston Creek RR

Thanks for reading and watching!!!
See you tomorrow!!!